In reply to Post #660
So proud of him because now he can grieve and come back stronger.
Got to work more behind that fantastic jab he has as that frustrates opponents and once that frustration boils over - then, BANG.
Got lighting quick hand speed which coupled with his great jab hopefully he’ll continue up the ladder.
In reply to Post #659 Just watched it bloody good fight that.Nice at the end when won looking up to his Dad I bet he was looking down very proud of his son
Now up on YouTube I do believe.
Heaney v Stokes.
In reply to Post #657
Cheers mate, hope so too mate,
In reply to Post #652 Brilliant mate, let’s hope he get the title shot and wins
In reply to Post #653 That’s the name mate and same as you say he’s no mug.
Cheers mate and just hope he does it if it does come off.
In reply to Post #654
Nice one mate and you sure were right.
In reply to Post #652 No it was me.
In reply to Post #652 Next one against Jason welborn for the British title? That's a big step up again, welborn is no mug that's for sure. Good luck to him
In reply to Post #651 Close rounds but Nathan was given it by 2 rounds. Not biased or anything but it was deserved.
Toe to toe stuff at times.
Just popped round with his belt, spoke with him for a while and hes a little mad with himself for taking the shots that he did because he got away at times from his boxing skills. His trainer told him to start boxing again and that’s what he then did.
He knew that after his original opponent Ryan Aston had pulled out that Tom Stokes was always going to be a tougher opponent and so it proved.
In the latter rounds of the fight his extra fitness told, mind you though must help that he teaches nutrition etc etc at college.
Hoping to get a tv slot with a shot at the British title in October against ‘did say his name but it escapes me’. Says the lad in question is a real tough nut and he knows it’ll be a tough one and will need to be on his game. Says he’s fought him before and feels he’s capable of beating him.
No doubt no easy contests from here on in.
He can now properly grieve after losing his dad suddenly the day before he was informed he’ll be fighting for the midlands title. Threw himself into preparation for that fight and I think he can now only improve after he’s gone through the grieving process.
Unsure if it was yourself who said that Tom Stokes was a tough lad and if it was then so it proved.
Edit - No doubt it be on YouTube soon.
Just a shameless plug for on the box a boxing show which Nathan’s best mate Dan Hewitt hosts in which he’s built up a decent show and who’ll be ringside commentating on world title fight in a couple of weeks.
Luke Caci was also on the bill last night too a stablemate of Nathan’s ‘different weight division’ whose got a promising future ahead of him.
Edit - not fought him as such but sparred with him.
In reply to Post #650 Convincing win or a close one out of interest? The last video I saw of him he looked levels above the other lad
In reply to Post #649
Was a great toe to toe.
So pleased for the lad.
In reply to Post #648 Nice one mate
In reply to Post #645 Interesting Gerry, TBH when he came on the scene I wasn’t so sure, respect to the man, probably the best in the world at the moment, great skills, great boxer. More importantly to come back from where he had been and do what he did with Wilder, was, and will always be for me, pretty amazing
Would like to see KG and JW do it again