In reply to Post #893 Got Sky mate, will be having a watch
In reply to Post #892 Dont forget its crollas last fight tonight, Terri harper on now shes hard as nails.
In reply to Post #891 I’m in two minds to get the Canelo Kovalev fight
Could be a very interesting one, two of my favourite fighters. I expect Canelo to do a master class on the body, he seems weak here since Ward exposed him. However, Kovalev, granite chin and some serious natural power. Two great fighters
Weigh in is up, Canelo looks in great shape as usual. Kovalev, just a great natural fighters body at that weight for me. Should be superb
Good weekend of boxing again , inc katie taylor in manchester.
In reply to Post #889 Crazy, got to be the nerves!
In reply to Post #888 It's crazy he was a bronze Olympian !!!! He is the last Englishman to beat fury ,knocked Joshua out sparring but just can't do it as a pro , Audrey Harrison was very similar .price beat Harrison in 82 seconds !
In reply to Post #887 Amazing that, might be the crowd and the atmosphere that holds him back?
Still respect to man, big unit, wouldn’t fancy one off him
In reply to Post #886 As i say not in the gym !
In reply to Post #884 I was disappointed with Price, as when he came on the scene, was gonna be the next big thing. A reach like that he should be more than a handful for any fighter. I always look at him and he seriously lacks hand speed for me. I watched the fight last night and thought, if he just threw short fast hands Chisora wouldn’t get a glove on him. Just seems far too slow to me, and easy to hit.
Great nights though
In reply to Post #884 YOU MUST SEE THIS
Great night of boxing .
Benn looked fantastic very sharp
Okole fight was badly reffed
Burns selby was what i thought it would be a scrap time for burns to quit a great un natural fighter who worked very hard to achieve his titles
Chisora price again the fight i thought it would be chisora stifling him and not letting him box , never have i seen a boxer in a gym that cannot take it into the ring like my old mate pricey , time to quit .
Josh prograis absolutely superb two very different exceptional fighters and an honour to be there to see it , i actually gave it to prograis by a round i will watch it again when im home .
All in all a great couple of days in london apart from the two fat security personel who thought it would be a good idea to try and push us out and swear at us as we were leaving , bet they didnt think the same this morning !
Never mind those bums. Josh Taylor, what a fight
Close but deserved the win
In reply to Post #881 I see Chisora beat Price, is that the end now for him?
Well, Okolie was ****ing embarrassing. Ref was crap too, should have stopped all the holding
Seiby and Burns, very good fight. Can’t say there’s much for either, Burns end of his career and Selby is deffo no lightweight. Good scrap though, I had it closer than the judges. In the 7th I thought Burns was going to drop him
In reply to Post #879 It’s a classic watch for any fight fan, beautiful