In reply to Post #219 Bravo to all those who signed the petition to bring it over the 10k mark
In reply to Post #217 It's died a death now anyway, doesn't look like it'll get enough votes. Let's hope they don't try again as the cause will begin to lose credibility.
93,000 signatures short of being considered for debate.
In reply to Post #217 I signed it but I don't believe it will go anywhere. I'd say most not if the signatures are similar.
In reply to Post #216 I think we are all aware of Joss, PAG, Dave Webb and any other person before the petition was started.
Just so you are aware even members of PAG have been signing the petition, and members of the AT, even though they have come out and opposed it, the general angler have signed it, people in the trade have signed it
In reply to Post #214 Maybe if and I mean a big if you listened and researched otters and looked into what PAG are trying to do you may appreciate what people like Joss (frenzy) are trying to do,
And one thing he does is answers questions based on facts and as far has I’m aware this is all voluntary.
Remember Mr Barbel we can all go gun ho on this and maybe some would love us to do this but PAG go about the problem in the right way.
I would love to know what you signed the petition for.
I don’t know Joss but appreciate what he does for my hobby.
In reply to Post #214 Well I'm glad you know what you've signed for because ive asked loads of people and none have a clue, but I'm well aware you are with the BS and your background knowledge is very different to those who have merely signed it for the sake of it...it will, if not already fall flat in its face due to its content...
But as mentioned before, good luck.
In reply to Post #213 I'm sure one day a beer would be good, but I'm not angry, I'm proud I put my name down on the petition. I'm aware the work you have all done, and I'm sure your do plenty more, I'm just supporting a different way
In reply to Post #212 Shame mate...I'll extend that offer...I'm not the enemy mate...dont shot the ones that can help the most and we can all learn from each other,,mwe have had some debate, we share different views...just remember I was Mr angry when my lake was predated upon for 3/4 yrs and I lost half of my stock that were nearly 50 yrs old...so,yeah..I was proper miffed...today...ive learnt how to cage that, Chanel it into something constructive...and along with mark, dave and other key pple, we have achieved so much...lots that are in very higher levels I can't talk about openly...so don't hate, embrace like I had to...makes you a much more planted person and you will get further.
In reply to Post #211 Maybe another time for that beer, unfortunately like most, poxy work will get in the way.
In reply to Post #210 Don't understand that bit, but I'm sure I will get over it.
Fancy a beer on Friday, ive got the day off...we can have a proper chat about this and probably end up laughing it all off...
Now..where's that email addy to congratulate Mark Owen for the AT statement 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😜😂😂😂😜
In reply to Post #209 Apart from your crying on ukwot?
In reply to Post #207 😂😂😂😂😂...your so funny mate. I'm enjoying this and won't go crying cause ive not got a clue about the subject ....admire your passion though ...gotta give that one to you...
In reply to Post #205 Haha...Ill take that as a compliment mate 😂
I call it unique 😂
In reply to Post #205 Better than being a c...
In reply to Post #203 I get sent things from most angling and wildlife groups through friends who know what they are in about, focused on and understand the process..intelligent chaps they mate 😜