In reply to Post #89 You'll not get any answers Joss as I'm sure those who set this petition up haven't got a clue. It's well meaning but there's no real content. If they want it debated then there needs to be something to debate and nothing has been provided.
We all know that the lethal option is off the table but I'm not sure that folk really know what is meant by non-lethal. Ok, let's assume it's debated and all fishery owners are given licences to trap otters. What happens to an unfenced water? You've got an otter in a trap, now what? Relocate it to Ben Nevis?
Like I said, the intention is good but there's no meat on the bones, it's a hollow petition. The PAG have made excellent ground and I'm sure there's lots going on behind the scenes that us mere mortals aren't aware of. Things like this won't derail your efforts but equally I don't think they're helping in any way.
In reply to Post #92 Horse and water spring to mind. Hey ho, everyone is different I suppose
In reply to Post #90 Good night James
I have no further questions as you can't answer them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
In reply to Post #84 Nail on head.
In reply to Post #88 I know exactly what I've signed, as have thousands of others.
Of course I knew that was coming, nice to know where people stand, debates like this brings out what people are really like, give my regards to Dave, although as predicted you've already spoke to him about me.
I'll let the barbel society know that a request is imminent from yourself as you have a few questions.
In reply to Post #88 Sorry James...I forgot...
Ive not moaned, ive asked questions...
Be lucky not many barbel left round our way now on the Ouse...few in upper nene cropping up I hear 😉
In reply to Post #87 So you STILL don't know what youve actually signed 😳😳
Anyway, ive enjoyed our little debate...always find it amusing with uneducated people...(you knew that was coming as you can read me so well 😂
It makes no odds, to me at all, just found the whole petition rather confusing
Be lucky James, don't be to harsh on Dave Webb, he's done far more to raise this issue than anyone in the non angling fraternity...you may well do,well to remember that one...mind you, top marks for signing a petition 😜
In reply to Post #85 I clearly can't give you the answer you crave, but what I have done is to point you in the direction of the people who can, they are a friendly bunch, and I'm sure they can help. Now it's entirely up to you, either ask the ones who know, or moan on carp forum.
In reply to Post #84 Very well put 👍
In reply to Post #83 😂😂😂😂 and you said you could read me like a book....😂😂😂😂 far too easy you are James
There is No one way....one will find his/her path...that's fine...but don't expect not to find the odd cross road 😜
It's a pile of rubbish that will go nowhere. Due to reasons stated, it has no substance to it.
Personally I still signed it though, maybe a bit hastily, but let's be honest. Until the otter population is even attempted to be counted no lethal means will be introduced. One crappy petition won't solve nothing but it may get them thinking that xxxx number of people actually have a concern about the issue.
If this petition can get the amount of interest being poor quality, imagine what a properly researched and evidenced petition could do. Not just fish, extended to birds, mammals, amphibians, etc. Show the devastation of all biodiversity and then you'll have something that cannot be ignored by even the most ignorant human.
In reply to Post #82 Point proven, your way or the highway
In reply to Post #80 No I'm bring serious now
In reply to Post #79 Well i am and I'll answer a direct question of I can..
I dislike people when have other intentions ...answer the question..Or say you can't,,,or grow up ..simples
Ive bent over backward for angling re this subject and suffered first hand...I know what goes on behind the scenes and I know what's being worked on for the good..I dislike pple who refuse to work with others and I dis like lack of communication ..
James likes to cause a row...I'm well up on that...I'm not here to row, I asked simple questions...he knows the answers....yet fails to inform the forum readers ...shame really
In reply to Post #79 I'd like to think most of it is tongue in cheek, well I hope it is anyway