In reply to Post #135
In reply to Post #135 No clearer?
In reply to Post #130 Mods..can I have a bout of touretts please
In reply to Post #132 Even I can't find that out...BUT...they are more than happy to cull deer, foxes
In reply to Post #113 so what happens to said otters trapped inside the rspbs large fenced reserves
In reply to Post #130 The official response from the barbel society. I had to do it in two halves as the text box wouldn't let me do it in one go, and excuse the fact it's abit arse about face
In reply to Post #129 We also understand the current legal situation but we are primarily river anglers and for us it may be somewhat different.
Bear in mind also that it has taken the Stillwater lobby the best part of twenty years to reach their current position - we cannot and will not wait that long.
How a satisfactory result is achieved is for ‘experts‘ to decide but we would be at that table armed with the knowledge that we have thousands in support, it’s why we need your signatures!
The coming six months are hugely significant, it’s a time when YOU can make a difference.
Sign up, give us that mandate and we will fight hard on your behalf.
The very future of angling is at stake and if that isn’t worth fighting for - for our children and grandchildren - then I don’t know what is.
Steve Pope - Barbel Society Chairman
In reply to Post #128 Dear Fellow Angler,
I am writing with regard to the petition which was launched yesterday by the Barbel Society .
Let me start by giving a massive thank you to everyone who has signed our petition.
The response in the first twenty four hours has been truly amazing and confirms our belief that this topic really does strike a chord with so many people.
We fully understand the concerns some have raised but let me say first and foremost this petition is all about numbers - the number of people who consider this subject to be among those right at the top of the Angling Agenda and who want to add their weight to that cause.
We acknowledge the fact that the wording of the petition may be somewhat vague but please bear in mind there is a limit to what can be said. We needed to grab attention and be all inclusive and it’s fair to say the initial response has justified our decision.
In reply to Post #127
In reply to Post #119 Hear, bloody hear
It's an emotive subject but we (as anglers) need to keep our message clear, accurate and factual. We don't need various groups of anglers attempting to fight it as individuals we need to combine efforts and resources. Our voice will be louder and can't be ignored.
In reply to Post #125 Or most lakes, canals, meres, reservoirs etc.
I’m not going to fish in a bloody zoo, behind bars, I can assure you.
In reply to Post #123 Exactly we can't fence rivers.
In reply to Post #122 There is an official response from the barbel society on their facebook page if anyone is interested.
It's too long to type, and I can't figure out a way to copy and paste off my phone
In reply to Post #121 We have no chance of raising sufficient money for fencing. Funds would be wiped out by just a handful of lakes. I’m afraid that it is the political campaign that needs funding.
Social media is Crazy today regarding otters. I sense a sea change. I sense that many are not going to accept the current plight.