In reply to Post #16 Here is an updated list (adding ones I wasn't too keen on getting) - but that come under the Kindle "Carp Fishing" criteria
Funny how the most expensive book out of them all is "Fishing for Dummies".... made me chuckle....
I am hoping Terry Hearn add his books, as well as forgetten chapters, wraysbury chronicles, a merry olde dance etc etc...
This is the full list I have so far:
500 Open Access Carp Waters £5.99
A Carp Fishing Year (Steve Graham) £2.99
A Fool and His Eel £4.19
A Year On The Moat £2.26
An Obsession With Carp (Dave Lane £9.37
Angling Tales by Keithe Jenkins £4.08
Beneath the Black Water (Chris Yates) £10.79
Big Carp Hunters - Dave Mallin £6.49
Big Carp Hunters - Derek Rance £6.49
Big Carp Hunters - Graig Lyons £6.49
Big Carp Hunters - Nick Helleur £6.88
Big Carp Legends - Bruce Ashby £6.88
Big Carp Legends - John Harry £6.88
Big Carp Legends (Lee Jackson) £7.56
Big Carp Legends (Mike Wilson) £6.35
Big Carp Legends (Pete Springate) £6.63
Big Carp Legends (Ritchie Mcdonald) £6.68
Big Carp Legends (Rob Maylin) £7.66
Big Carp Legends (Steve Briggs) £6.47
Big Carp Legends Alex Romp £6.42
Big Carp Legends Dave Lane £7.50
Bivvy Tramps Part 1 (Fenland Carp Tale) £7.92
Bivvy Tramps Part 2 (The Ultimate Rig) £7.92
Black Mirror Cult £8.95
Carp - Handbook of Techniques £5.99
Carp Fishing Tips and Theories (S.Graham) £3.23
Carp Fishing Tips and Theories Pt2 £2.98
Carp Fishing: A Year In France £3.05
Carp Refections (Paul Selman) £9
Carp Season (Tim P/Jack Hilton) £9.37
Carp Tales 1 - Jim Gibbinson £5.52
Carp Tales 2 - Jim Gibbinson £5.52
Carp World Big Interviews £3.99
Carping On £3.49
Casting for Cloopers (Trevor Pritchard) £6.44
Discover Carp Fishing (Simon Crow) £8.03
Falling In Again (Chris Yates) £3.69
Fishing for Dummies £12.19
Fox Guide to Carp Fishing £9.99
From the Bivvy (Tim Paisley) £8.39
Fron Gudgeon to Carp (Steve Graham) £3.05
Gone Carp Fishing (Steve Graham) £3.05
In The Still of the Night: The Story of "She" £5.00
John Wilson's Guide to Carp Fishing £1.99
Just for the Record - quest for two tone £9.37
Memories Of Carp £4.10
More Carp Fishing (Steve Graham) £3.05
Mr Crabtree Goes Fishing £3.99
No Need To Lie £6.99
One Last Cast (Rob Maylin) £6.55
Return of the Syndicate Part 3 £5.62
Revenge of the Syndicate Part V £5.62
Running the Syndicate Part IV £5.62
Savay - John Harry £6.49
Strictly Carp (Martin Clarke) £6.29
The Carp Strikes Back (Rod Hutchinson) £9.37
The Carp Years (Tony Miles) £5.10
The Complete Bad Angler £2.99
The Keeper (Keith Jenkins) £4.19
The Lost Diary (Chris Yates) £9.49
The Myth (Keith Jenkins) £3.88
The Random and The Syndicate Part VI £5.62
The Syndicate £5.62
The Syndicate Book Series (7 Books) £39.34
The Syndicate Part VII £5.62
The Syndicate RIP Part 2 £5.62
Top Tactics for Carp (Tony Miles) £3.40
In reply to Post #15 gents - does anyone know from their reading which books contain chapters on fishing horton/wraysbury and the mere? I know Dave Lane has covered those waters in his books, as has Nick Helleur, Briggs and Pete Springate... looking for more reading material on above lakes.
Wow didn’t realise all these were avalible on Kindle.
In reply to Post #12 will try and get some fella
In reply to Post #18 That's a lot easier for videos
the new Syndicate book is now available
One Last Cast (Rob Maylin) £6.55
Highly recommend this book.
im in the middle of an obession with carp then moving on to the Syndicate by Mark Cunnington,
will let you guys know what i think,
In reply to Post #20 Pleasure - Happy reading
Wow! Thanks Tom, awesome list.
In reply to Post #21
In reply to Post #20 and bingo as if by magic, here it is for all to enjoy.
Thank you Brian or whoever sorted it
In reply to Post #18 Well done again Tom, great piece of work there, I'm sure many will benefit
I'll keep an eye out for a mod and see if we can get it stickied with your post on the top.
edit, Just sent Waterwolf (Brian) a pm, I'm sure he'll have a look and see what can be done.
In reply to Post #18 Blimey mate, well done, thanks for sharing and the info
Only recently got into the Kindle books, great aren't they, and senibly priced. I love carp books and have a big collection but, they take up so much bloody room.
I think i'll do what i did with my vast record collection, and replace them all digitally
In reply to Post #13
Nice one Tom, I know it's a bit saucy, but I reckon it would be super great if, as others add to the list, you update your list.
Then a really super duper great idea, if a mod makes your post 1000 which keeps it at the top.