In reply to Post #20 Just to clarify - this isn't from my lake, but another a few miles east
In reply to Post #28 I will be doing heavy duty rabbit mesh, and electric, and an out turn at the bottom as the ground around my lake is so hard an otter will not dig through it. Unfortunately the contours of the lake and trees will be a bloody nightmare but I don't care if it takes all summer I'm gonna bloody do it.
In reply to Post #27 Thanks Wayne
In reply to Post #25 I don't know if this has been seen before but just had it pointed out to me elsewhere
In reply to Post #18 in process of mate
In reply to Post #20 Truly shocking tom, feel for you pal
In reply to Post #21 wire it up, they wont be biting it twice.
In reply to Post #18 My place is fenced, I currently have them biting through the wire!
Im in the process of replacing all my mesh with a thicker guage to help with the problem.
In reply to Post #1 From here on the Cotswold Water Park, a few miles away from my place

In reply to Post #18 What sort of fencing is in place though?? The otter fencing I have seen has a loop of babrbed wire at the top and the mesh and footings are dug back of that makes sense, so of an otter/fox etc does dig straight down it wont get anywhere
In reply to Post #1 Frenzy is your water fenced? Or is it a water that cannot be fenced? I have just been on Facebook talking to some lads whose waters are getting nailed and they have fencing up!
In reply to Post #16 yes.....so if you can help...PLEASE do so..
this thread should be every anglers number 1 priority
I appreciate fishery owners etc are reluctant to inform that otters maybe a problem, but if we keep our "problem" quiet, what chance to we stand...?
In reply to Post #10 If the distressing evidence of wildlife deaths is brought into the public domain.. such as photos of birds/ducks etc, being attacked surely this will be a help in the argument for control.
In reply to Post #12 Greg they are everywhere to many dogs they will be fighting before long for territory I am sure some one is letting them go I am now to old to have a go I have night binoculars the lot I am sure there being let go at night there turning up overnight in places they have never been I just wish my legs were ok its a terrible situation