Ok chaps....this is a very sensitive issue we all face. Its happening all over the country and if it hasn't happened to you....rest assured it will.
I've created this thread for ALL of us to post photo's of Otter attacks...you may add the lake, area, size, cost any vital information that will help...
DON'T post words that will paint a bad picture of us Anglers, that wont help us at all.......
Hi Frenzy, been away for some time due to ill health. Just reading through your thread, really shocked to see how things are with the furry foe today. Are people still releasing these bloody predators? I moved down to West Sussex 4 years back and not knowing the area well just wondering about the state of the Adur, Arun etc. Through shooting, I have found out that our beloved water authorities have been dumping untreated sewage into the rivers down here, and found out recently there is a planned pipeline across farmland that will empty into the Arun about a mile south of Pulborough. So between our furry friends and the water authorities, how much damage has been done to fishing in the south east? From what I've read so far it;s heartbreaking.
In reply to Post #289 Yes i have some data on that one
In reply to Post #287 Glad you can get it fenced mate.
If possible, try and do as much of the fence work yourselves, you'll save a fortune
In reply to Post #281 Nene is riddled with them everywhere. We have had issues with them doing anything they can to get under/over/through the fencing this year. Luckily only lost two pike before all the weak points were fixed. However another of the clubs venues got hit badly, even smashing through the ice to get in. The cubs (is that the right term) we’re even snatching the big roach.
Landowner has agreed to let us fence it though.
In reply to Post #1 anyone got info on fencing, costs? amount of predation etc to share????
In reply to Post #284 i see we have alot of "watchers on this thread"
those who are reading this and appear to be new members, would you care to introduce yourselves
In reply to Post #283 Unfortunately they will likely be welcomed with open arms. They are probably having little signs with illustrations of our furry friends made up as we speak.
Just been informed Walthamstow reservoirs as now got otters on them
Remains of carp found on the Warwick
And there's also a video of a otter over the 2/3 reservoir
Not a good sign
In reply to Post #280 alot of koi keepers these days are losing their valuable fish, alot of which are in town centres
Driving back from Peterborough area yesterday, dead Otter on the A1 near Wansford, Nene is riddled with them there.
In reply to Post #279 And if "nothing" continues to happen,, then the only fishing will be carried out in a wire cage.
there's 68 million people living in the uk, and that is increasing at an alarming rate, the countryside is shrinking fast to accommodate this overwhelming number of inhabitants.
but the current Fad of rewilding seems to think everything can just coexist like some kind of disneyland fantasy park, the otter numbers had reached a sustainable level, releasing loads more into has not helped anything, even the otters are suffering with lack of habitat, food and territory.
In reply to Post #278 agree to a point
Otters take large breeding fish
cormorants/Gooseanders eat smaller juvenile fish
crays eat fish eggs and fry
no wonder fish species struggle.
We shouldnt even be considering stocking rivers at all
So whats changed since that clip in 2018...nothing!
more on predation,
the species may not be carp, however that matters not to the otters, or the cormorants.