Loved his previous vids and this one didn't disappoint.
Was gonna do a quick overnighter last night but wimped out at the thought of lugging my gear around in the heat so sat at home and watched this lastest instalment.
Can really tell he's getting into the rainbow way of fishing compared to his first 2 vids.
Loved the banter and laughed out loud at the "frodo" comment and glad I'm not from Kent :-)
great video's all of them.
And even after hearing "I think the sun still rises in the east" for the 50th time in this one I still laughed :-) them bloody eagles keep following him about too
In reply to Post #35 great videos,really enjoyed wtching them,there bankside grub is better than i have at home lol
In reply to Post #34 Great viewing yet again from Kev, proper fishing, as it really is nothing staged great contributions from all the anglers. Thanks Kev looking forward to the next one. One question I would be interested in knowing what camera is used to produce these Oscar productions?
In reply to Post #33 Kev's "artistic licence" as a wannabe David Attenborough is one of his endearing characteristics......if you thought the oak tree comments were funny watch his videos to his previous trips.....he had golden eagles (probably kestrels) and baby magpies (wagtails).
Love his style....can't see myself sitting through hours of any other fishing video but am always hooked by his films, even watched some of his koi videos!
In reply to Post #32 very well filmed video
some of it was good , some of it was oh so bad and some of it was ..........not really sure
his mate is a good cook
and stop calling pine trees oak trees
Its 3 am and just finished watching that instalment of Rainbow , now these dvd,s i love watching.
Very enjoyable
In reply to Post #30 The bottles are used to keep as much line out the water as possible due to the snaggy nature of the water. As to how there attached im not sure. As to rods left in the water when both anglers are afloat you would imagine.any unintended rods would be wound in.
Love the videos really enjoyed watching them.
few questions though.
What are the bottles for and how are they set up?
I also noticed that sometimes the 2 of them went out in the boat on a few occasions who watches the other rods or are they all reeled in?
In reply to Post #28 Just finished watching them all. Excellent videos the same as his other ones. Nice to see Rod and Mally on there aving it.
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In reply to Post #27 Great watch again. 👍👍👍
Professional video directors/makers please take note. No plugs, no bigging up, just sheer enjoyment and enchantment. Thankyou Kevin
very enjoyable videos that show the highs and lows of a long fishing session - I found myself laughing out loud a few times as well as being genuinely gutted for him too.
great soundtracks as well.
In reply to Post #24 Great vid, great to watch and honest. Very informative and love the other vids too. Love to see how other people get there buzz from fishing and the excitement we all have in common when it comes to getting a run even when we lose fish and go through the lows.
Comes across as a genuine bloke who loves his fishing. Cant wait to see more, keep up the good work
In reply to Post #23 A great in site into rainbow lake, not a got to use this and that but a great video about how to fish it and the tackle you need to use