In reply to Post #237 Well done kev.......BUT DO NOT..... Give your footage to JRC and hope to see this footage soon.....
Kev's back out at rainbow just seen his post on Facebook of the mark with a lovely 50lb mirror
In reply to Post #235 hope so wifes on nights would be fab this week
In reply to Post #205 the november trip is usual mates trip, nothing related to jrc? so will be online quicker?
Come on JRC.......pull your bloody finger out.......
In reply to Post #232 cmon kev/jrc - looking forward to this one
Seen this thread aroundfor a while and got round to watching the first vid of rainbow...all i can say is wow great angling,great laugh and a easy to watch video,never knew people fish round corners with hooks.whether it be in 1,5 or 10 years u will fish rainbow
In reply to Post #230 keep checking
come on kev get it up before your next trip
please lol
when you off to the land of those sguidy delight things?
In reply to Post #229 Now , now Wayne patients bud patients
Any idea when the next lot of videos are being put online Kevin........
In reply to Post #227 4 hours of my life definitely not waisted. This was very enjoyable and from a true carping perspective rather than a typical marketing ploy. Particularly enjoyed Dave Waite catching his pb roach at the end.... Well done fella! Lol Thank you very much, Kevin for the brilliantly edited footage, exceptional music and great overal perception of what this gave to the legendary Rainbow.
In reply to Post #226 Peter we are forever in your debt.
As long as the new vids include Kevin wiping gravy or ketchup off his face and looking worried about his number 'chins', I'm sure they will continue to be great viewing.
And just remember, guys, who shared the first Kevin Ellis video on the forum (me!).
In reply to Post #216
In absolute bits every time he films himself after eating