In reply to Post #439 his knowledge of the famous landmarks is amazing!
In reply to Post #432 Another great vid, I especially like Kev's 'Allo Allo' style accent when talking to a French chap on the phone
In reply to Post #437 You should be able to. I watch on ipad air without any problems....
Are these videos only available on Vimeo ?
I can't watch them on the ipad
In reply to Post #432 Just started watching your video's kevin. Brilliant m8. Totally agree with Kells and harveyboy. Roll on part 2.
Brilliant as always Kev.. felt for you there. She would of been proud.
In reply to Post #432 thank you so much mr ellis-top bloke sorry for your loss
In reply to Post #430 Can anyone put the latest links up please?
In reply to Post #429 I don't usually, but without giving the game away, I felt well sorry for the bloke..
In reply to Post #428 Yer never got emotional over a fishing video
Found myself welling up watching part 1......
In reply to Post #426 Yes. My night sorted
New video up.......3 trips including July......