I have put some gear in here at last (clothing)...and there's even some helpful chest measurements against the sizes.
If you feel the urge, please visit the Facebook page, and LIKE TheCarpShop (thanks!)
The store itself can be viewed by clicking the button above, or clicking here:
If there's anything in particular you'd like to see stocked this year (clothing or otherwise) send me a PM or email.
In reply to Post #43 I think that would be a good idea..I need a new hood,mines all frayed up and well used..
Bet I'd not be the only ones interested in a bit of CF merchandise..
In reply to Post #42 I do still have some hoodies (green or black) but not sure on sizes etc
Also some badges floating around somewhere.
I should get TheCarpShop.com websit working again and whack them on there...
Pretty new to the Forum but just wondering if there are any plans to do some more Merchandise like hats, hoodies, t-shirts and pins or cloth badges? Would love to have a few bits in the future to represent this great forum. Would be great to either get stuff at cost price or to perhaps generate some funds for prizes/competitions.
In reply to Post #40 Hi
I reckon i would need either XXL or XXXL depending on fit, if you have XXXL that would be better
In reply to Post #39 There's a few left. I've not got around to putting the site back up (properly) yet.
What size did you need? I'll let you know what colours I have (if any) in that size.
In reply to Post #1 Hi.
Are the hoodies still avaliable? they look class....
In reply to Post #37 Sorry, I should remove that link really, I took the shop down a while ago.
It will be back, with more stuff in it, but not for a while.
In reply to Post #1 Hi i tried to look on your website but its not working :( do you have another link i can use?
In reply to Post #1 For some reason the carp shop tab does not appear to be working at the moment
I just get taken to an Microsoft site
If you could provide any help that would be great
In reply to Post #34 Yes, no plans to get it back up just yet either I'm afraid.
If there's anything you want then just send me a PM
In reply to Post #33 is the site still down??
In reply to Post #32 Is the site still down? Really want a green hoody and think this is a great idea to reconise other forum users
In reply to Post #31 Site not up yet since server crash
In reply to Post #30 Not working for me also......