In reply to Post #11 bugger that. rope was bad enough.
In reply to Post #10 Wire splicing is a whole new ball game! Ripped my fingers to shreds when I first started splicing warps!
In reply to Post #9 always a good thing, being free!
edit: i am liking the splicing too ken! my old man used to make me sit there for hours splicing string & then ropes.
most of my school holidays were spent splicing hawsers on barges, or at least it felt like it to me at the time!
In reply to Post #8
Parachute cord looks good. I use the rope out of habit from my days at sea, and because it was free!
In reply to Post #2 I made up this very handy item of tackle a great many years ago when I was fishing a lake that had no water’s edge trees to which I could tie my sack, and where the ground was too soft safely to hold a bankstick. This is nothing more than a 10m length of rope with a snap link attached to one end.
not wishing to bandwagon, but i often fish waters that have platforms, or staging at the waters edge,
i made my sack cords up to have a karabiner one end, & a bank stick adapter & cup-hook at the other

i use parachute cord for my sack cords, purely for ease of transporting it. its thin & you can therefore carry long lengths of it.
it is also incredibly strong for its thickness.
if it can take my weight (i've used them to abseil into a few swims, attached to trees or dog spikes!)
then it'll hold a sacked carp.............
In reply to Post #6 What do you think about the modern "floating" recovery slings as opposed to traditional sacks?
More user- and carp-friendly for short periods but definitley not for more than say 15 minutes.
What are your views on the suitability of the "screw into top of bankstick" adaptors that typically come with slings/sacks?
I have to admit, I don't know the items of tackle to which you refer. I generally prefer to rely on my own tried and tested home made solutions.
Good article Ken - thanks.
What do you think about the modern "floating" recovery slings as opposed to traditional sacks?
What are your views on the suitability of the "screw into top of bankstick" adaptors that typically come with slings/sacks?
In reply to Post #3 i see the old "sea dog" has been at work with his knots
good article ken
In reply to Post #1 http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh32/petrus81/1-3.jpg
Good article
You could have doubled for Lou Ferrigno Ken!