In reply to Post #108 BM1 is still the bassis of my current mixes
I still tweak it from time to time but never too far from the original as it has caught so many fix from every possible water you can think of both in the UK and Europe
CLO should be OK, a little more oily so remember that when adding liquids
As to the missing 2.5%....a good natural additive or two will help give out a little more attraction
In reply to Post #113 Fair play, looks like a great straight forward mix.
Sometimes I think I go way over the top on many different ingredients when perhaps it isn't necessary
In reply to Post #112 Short answer, not really. The recipe as Smurf tells is it as near perfect as it gets!
In reply to Post #111 Ken, do you not think ingredients such as betaine, chilli or salt might be an advantage?
In reply to Post #108 Leave well alone. The BM1 need nothing at all. Tweak at your peril!
In reply to Post #108 Can't see anything wrong with replacing the cede with clo
As for an extra ingredient...... The choices are endless. Have a play with some things and have fun, taking into account the other ingredients of coarse e.g soluble levels etc
In reply to Post #108 I'd add an additive, some robin red or GLM or both
In reply to Post #107 Firstly, apologies for digging up an old thread.
I have been making my own boilies on and off for years but have always used pre-mixed base mixes such as Big Fish Mix, but now I have all the proper gear, air gun, compressor etc I want to have a go at making my own base mix so I can keep the cost down. Found this thread and decided to give this recipe a go:
BM1 (basic HNV mix)
30% LT94 fishmeal
15% Maize Protein Meal 60% (supergold 60)
13% Egg based bird food like CeDe
10% Semolina
10% Soya flour (heat treated)
8.5% pre-digested fishmeal
8.5% Calf or lambs milk powder such as Vitamelo
5% Equivite
After a bit of research it appears you can use Selenavite E at half the inclusion level of the Equivite which isn't a bad thing as it's much cheaper to start with.
So, if the Selenavite is put in at 2.5%, instead of the 5% Equivite, what else in the mix should be increased to make up the 2.5% without ruining it.
Also, can you substitute CLO for the CeDe or are they two completely different things?
May well be daft questions but as I said, never made up a base mix before and don't want to cock it up.
This was a good helpfull thread for someone new to bait making like myself. I hav gone for the more nutrition based recipes as i want to start as i mean to go on. Everything is ordered and i am fishing the weekend hopefully on my own boilies will let you know how i get on.
In reply to Post #105 Try this Dean, very informative, very simple and an excellent place to start.
The majority of ingredients are available from the likes of Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Holland and Barrett, asian supermarkets, decent pet stores and health food shops. Decent local tackle shops should be able to supply flavours. Fishmeal maybe a slight problem to locate, but try grinding some trout/salmon pellets to a fine powder as a substitute.
These recipe's will catch but they won't be as nutritious as the ones mentioned, however if you're just starting to dabble with making bait then the above is a good place to start and will teach you the basics of bait making and the properties of various ingredients.
Hope this helps
thanks all
really appreciate the advice
In reply to Post #102 Just go to AA Baits or CC Moore and it is all on there for you. Smurf's BM1 mix can be knocked up for about £3.75 a kilo for the dry mix. You won't get something of the same qaulity for much less than that.
If you want a cheap as chips mix then just add 1/3 fishmeal to 1/3 semo and 1/3 soya. It will catch but is nowhere near as balanced as Smurf's recipe but can probably be made up for about £2.00 a kilo.
You also have to remember that 1 kilo of dry mix equates to about 1.3 kilos of boilies. Once you have factored in additives, eggs, postage etc the finished bait should work out between £5-6 a kilo which is still a damn site cheaper than a bag of shop boughts and a lot more effective in most cases.
Finished baits can be bought for £5-6 a kilo online from reputable sources so you have to weigh up whether it's worth the effort. Personally I think it is and I enjoy making and catching on my own (or Smurf's ) base mix.
| Boo | Posts: 8813 |  | |
In reply to Post #102 CCMoore is a good place to start for ingredients
I have been trying to source some of these ingrediants and even with google and ebay i struggle to find them. Im not sure how if i add all the costs of postage and packaging these recipes would work out cheaper than shop bought boilies.
I understand the point is not to be cheap but good for the carp, but im on a tight budget so am learning how to make my own boilies.
Could someone pm me with a basemix thats not only cheap and easy to source but also good for carp, and maybe some advice on what shops to look into to get these ingrediants as i dont drive so order most food online.
Thanks Deano
I'm still here Don't have time to read the forum daily now but pop in once or twice a week for a 5 minute browse.
I still use my 'BM1' mix with a few bits tweaked up and down...I can't ever leave it alone and just use it As Jesse from the fast show would say....'this year I have mostly been messing around with vanilla meal'
Didn't get much time for fishing this summer though so my conclusion was I made no conclusion