In reply to Post #232
Thats how it all starts
I just did 1/2K...then i just did a little bit more, then before I knew it I was up to a couple of K's a week and now I can't stop
In reply to Post #234
What additives did you use in the end?
In reply to Post #233 im so made up,i really enjoyed doing it,i just made a 5 egg mix initially thinking i was going to be in a whole load of mess but everything went so well it was untrue
In reply to Post #232 hmm, lovely
In reply to Post #219 my first ever batch of boilies
In reply to Post #230 The plan was to use that in the 9 egg mix
In reply to Post #229 I think I"ve read that right . If you want to use minamino at 30mill, red venon at 30mill and hempoil at 20mill thats a hell of a lot liquids if its for a 1kg mix. You will get a very soft bait that wont last very long in the water.
In reply to Post #228 im not a bait buff so whats the difference between the two?
In reply to Post #224 I can't remember if the minamino is multi nutra fosfor syrup, ppc or whatever else it might be
minamino = nutramino
multimino = fosfer syrup ,ppc, mutistim (mainline) ambio ( kryston)
In reply to Post #224 thanks for the advice. i will definatly grate some belachan in with the eggs and will use the good oil and minamino. i think i will leave out any spice for the moment as with the reviews this bait has had so far i dont think it needs it (sorry to mess you about).
i will order the bits friday and whip up a batch
In reply to Post #223 Ive always seen bait making as a feel good factor for not being able to get out fishing as much as you'd like to. Put it like this, i never made my own bait before missus's, kids, mortgages, full time working so on and so on. At least your doing something fishing related right......??
In reply to Post #223 i dont know the right people im afraid and i dont bother buying in bulk as i dont have room in the freezer and to be fair if i go through 10kilo a season then i have used alot
In reply to Post #220 i might be over complicating things.
If you wanted to grate some Balachan into the eggs when your making your bait, thats fine. I do something similar in some high attract singles i make. Then just use the minamino at the reccomended level, and 20-25ml/kg of Good Oil.
I can't remember if the minamino is multi nutra fosfor syrup, ppc or whatever else it might be So cant really remeber if its the one you can really whack in.
As for the 'kick' as you put it, i don't know. I don't think such things matter underwater and think if carp do like that sort of thing, its for some other reason than taste, maybe vitamins, PH changes?? I'd just use some chilli powder or crushed chilli seeds out the supermarket for that sort of thing if you really needed to.
In reply to Post #222 true, but you can get a good quality freezer baits for around that if you speak to the right people or buy in bulk. depends whether you like rolling your own though i suppose
In reply to Post #221 still a damn sight cheaper than paying £9 or £10 quid a kilo for readymades