Don't know if Pete still comes on here. If he does I hope he does not mind me posting this for the previous poster:
OK after so many requests here are a couple of simple base mixes to base your own baits around. There is nothing clever here just simple balanced nutrition and if you take any of these as a base and then add your chosen attractors you won’t be going far wrong.
BM1 (basic HNV mix)
30% LT94 fishmeal
15% Maize Protein Meal 60% (supergold 60)
13% Egg based bird food like CeDe
10% Semolina
10% Soya flour (heat treated)
8.5% pre-digested fishmeal
8.5% Calf or lambs milk powder such as Vitamelo
5% Equivite
Depending on the exact brand of milk powder and bird food you use this will give you a bait with over 50% crude protein and about 10% oil content. Although they sound a little high it will come down if you add a few attractors to it yourself. If you really want to know the FLAA is Phenylaline, the 2nd is Methionine and the 3rd is Threonine……but all are plenty high enough to allow the carp maximum utilisation of the protein in the bait.
I have deliberately left the solubles a little on the low side so that you can add your own soluble attractors such as Betaine, MSG, liver powder etc without the bait falling to pieces in the water after 10 minutes!
Now another mix I have played with and had some promising result on before I stopped bait development was slightly different. Lower fish meal due to increased costs and slightly higher energy was the initial goal.
22% Poultry protein meal
20% LT94
10% Maize Protien Meal 60% (supergold 60)
10% pre-digested fishmeal
10% Calf or lambs milk powder such as Vitamelo
7% Micronized Soya meal
6% Semolina
2.5% Micronised crushed hemp
2.5% Equivite
Again the crude protein level is above 50% but the lipids levels are higher. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd LAA are the same as the above mix although the balance is not quite as good. As with BM1 you can add your attractors to this. If you find it too soft (I like it that way and the attractors can just pour out) then try adding 2 or 3% egg albumin.
For a simple bait take any of these and add 20ml per Kg of good quality oil such as Cod liver or Salmon, a few ml of flavour if you want some and 8-10 eggs per Kg of base mix.
Two of the best recipes you will ever encounter...Nothing more needs saying
In reply to Post #597 Thanks 👍
Just found the Selenavite E at the local equine shop in 500g tubs so will stick with that 👍
In reply to Post #596 You could try the kelp meal instead of the Selenavite but they are not quite the same. I do like kelp meal and find it draws in the naturals....if it was me I would use both and 3-4% kelp with 1% selenavite
Maybe start off with just the kelp meal and see how you get on.
In reply to Post #595 Amazing, thank you very much!
I'll make those adjustments now 👍
Would Crunchy Kelp Meal make a suitable alternative to the Selenavite E to help reduce the overall cost?
In reply to Post #594 Looks about right apart from I would drop the Selenavite E to 10g/kg of dry mix...this will save a little and has very similar content as 5% of the old Equivite. One 500g tub will make 50kg of dry base mix
Just up the others a little to make up the reduced amount of vitamin powder to give you 100% total still
Edit to add remember that 1kg of basemix plus the eggs will make about 1.4kg of finished bait so divide your cost per kg at the end by 1.4 to get you the price per rolled kg.
In reply to Post #592 I've put the below together based on buying everything (apart from Selenavite E) from AA Baits in both 1kg amounts or 5kg amounts.
With Selenavite E being the most expensive, if anyone knows a better place to get this cheaper?
If I've done my calculations correctly, then this is what I came out with:
1KG ingredients:
 image uploader
5KG ingredients:
 image uploader
Let me know your thoughts or if I've made any mistakes 👍👍
In reply to Post #592 Ah yes, well reminded 👍 thank you
In reply to Post #591 Remember that 1kg of base mix makes about 1.4kg of finished bait when working out cost per kg
In reply to Post #590 Thought so 👍
Got myself mixed up with Megablend and Megagold but got it now 👍
Putting together a cost spreadsheet for the BM1 mix to see the cost of buying the ingredients in 1kg bulk and then 5kg bulk to see what it brings the final cost per kilo fully mixed down to.
Appreciate the help, will post my findings soon and get your thoughts on it 😁
In reply to Post #589 Yes it's megagold 60.
In reply to Post #588 Thanks again.
What about "Maize Protein Meal" as I thought that was Megagold 60?
Or would plain Maize Meal be the same?
In reply to Post #587 For the birdfood I would use megablend
In reply to Post #586 Hey Peter,
Thank you for the alternative, I have done a more in depth search and you are correct, found the rest on AA Baits.
It was "Egg based bird food like CeDe" I couldn't find easily, unless I am being stupid but do AA baits sell the equivalent?
Thank again!! 😁👍
In reply to Post #585 Other than Equivite I would have thought it is all available from AA Baits. What can't you find?
I would change the Equivite for Selenavite E at 10g/kg of base mix. You can buy it online or from some local horse/animal feed type suppliers.
Hey all
Looking to roll my first ever boilies using the BM1 mix and wondered if anyone has a list of where to get each ingredient from?
I found some on AA Baits but struggling with some and wasn't sure if they are they cheapest or not?
Thanks in advance 👍