In reply to Post #675 Hello all,
Not really a newbie as I've been on the missing list for a decade and can't remember any log-in details. I'm thinking of a return so will be picking up as much info from here as possible. Those who know me will be thinking "I hope not".
Newbie here, hope everyone is well, stay safe carpers!
In reply to Post #673 Hello one and all... First post for me on here. I hope to meet like minded people
Hello carpers,
Finally had time to create an account so hopefully i can now have some input in various discussions.
Currently fishing around Ipswich/Colchester.
tight lines
In reply to Post #671 Hi every one just like to say hello my fist post from a newbe
In reply to Post #670 Newbie here just checking in , originally from London now living in Austria.
In reply to Post #668 If anyone has any good lake recommendations around the bristol area im all ears!
You'll be lucky
In reply to Post #668 Welcome mate , ask the question on venues UK and hopefully somebody will be able to help you out
In reply to Post #667 Newbie here, been checking out the forum for a while.
If anyone has any good lake recommendations around the bristol area im all ears!
Hey folks new/rejoiner here!
The names Ciaran and I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a venue I’m going to be fishing this Year in France?
The venues called carp quarry based in the north of France.
Any information would be great cheers guys!
In reply to Post #662 another new joiner here - been lurking for a while.
Recently got back into Carp fishing after 10 years off - a lot has changed since I was in my 20's. Been back at it since last June.
Based in Leeds, so not millions of lakes around, but seem like some great ones still need to try to get on.
In reply to Post #661 Hi Richie and welcome. Plenty of lurkas on this forum mate so you'll feel right at home
In reply to Post #660 Hi Guys
Been lurking around since discovering this forum in the summer
I'm another of those "Returnee's"... having previously fished as a kid/youth back in the 70's & 80's
Then a (very) long break - where did those years go eh?
Got back into it this year - amazing how much has changed.
And I'm now fully obsessed - and getting into the carp side of things.... no serious experience here, best is only 16 lb, but keen to improve (despite being an old git LOL)
Just splashed out on some new gear (rods & reels) and all the very expensive rig bits etc etc
Wont be fishing again until the Spring however..... not a cold weather person!
All the best tight lines
In reply to Post #659 Welcome to you all
In reply to Post #658 It was the lake that BB stocked with Leneys in the book Wood Pool. He lived nearby at the time. I haven't been there for many years but intend to have a look one day. (without rod of course)
In later years I believe he lived at sudborough and I have also fished in the pool there.