In reply to Post #22 Iv always rinsed my hands, face and pots and pans in lake water, nut as moving to a new lake next year think il stop that habit.
So what are the health tips then guys??
In reply to Post #19 Three cases in one hospital in such a short space of time suggests it is definitly prevalent in the SW. There is normally only around 40-50 cases in the UK each year.
Chap I know had it, he was on deaths door and still isn't fully recovered a couple of years on.
In reply to Post #20 sorry, wrong thing to say in the wrong place
In reply to Post #17 Rats and mice spread Weils so anyone NOT taking precautions either is an idiot or he doesn't care about his life.
It’s the old `won’t happen to me syndrome` Can’t understand why people would want to ignore a very serious health risk by courting disaster in the way some do.
In reply to Post #18 I've not heard of many instnces of veils in the west country.
Well I can assure you they happen...the time I was in hospital a young farm hand came into my ward. He had Weils...He didn't make it.. A week after I came out a sewage worker with SWW dies of Weils. Ignore the risk at your peril...
In reply to Post #17 You were unfortunate. I've not heard of many instnces of veils in the west country. Don't suppose there is a water in the land that arat doesn't visit at some stage in a day. Was the particular lake known as a rat hot spot? I've fished numerous dayticket venues regularly around the West country and with the very odd exception seen very few rodents.
Scariest place I ever saw was Broadlnds. Hants should have sussed the problem as I had a wlk around, as numerus bivvies had improvised traps set. Did a couple of overnighters without much sleep.
How anyone could wash a pot or as you rightly say even handing fish briefly from the water was putting
yourself at risk.
This is what good forum is for. I'll agree take all the precautions you can.
You don't even have to be fishing to be at risk. I caught Weils at a Cornish lake when doing a photo shoot for a new Fox product that was being launched. I took the missus to do the pix while I did the product manipulation. This involved getting my hands wet in the margins for a few seconds. That's when I nearly lost my life.
Rats and mice spread Weils so anyone NOT taking precautions either is an idiot or he doesn't care about his life.
I remember on my France holiday last year; I had 20kg of bait in a big airdry sack. Had been out in the sun all day, when it started to rain, so I quickly shoved it in the doorway of my brolly. I ended up leaving it there for the night. When I woke up, there was a couple of holes and a few boilies laying around. Was pi$$ed off, and took care what I touched. Was instantly paranoid about my bait, if had pi$$ed all over it etc. Wasn't until later on that I realised just how much bait it had nicked. Between my brolly and it's little route out of the reeds was the boat. Under the boat was about 2kg of boilies! It must have had a little chain going!! That was just under the boat, god knows how many he got back to the nest and ate!
But as angry as I was, it was my own fault. They have as much right to be there as us. If you invite them in, they are going to take up the opportunity! I think traps is a bit harsh really. Don't encourage them and then you wont have any problems.
In reply to Post #14 may i ask what you do with the rats once killed in your?
i hope the answer is not chuck them in a nearby bush the smell in summer would be horrible
On the lake i fish, if there was a dead rat, the other rats would carry it off and prob eat it!
In reply to Post #7 may i ask what you do with the rats once killed in your?
i hope the answer is not chuck them in a nearby bush the smell in summer would be horrible
In reply to Post #4 I watched somebody years ago at the little pit in Arlesey boiling a kettle of lake water and they had a dead duck in their swim! Bet you wouldn't drink it then!
In reply to Post #7 I take a couple of traps as well and enjoy the sound of the snap
In reply to Post #9 Vermin can be popped off with an airpistol.
I'm lucky that the places I fish have low populations of rats but my trusty Webley is always nearby.
In reply to Post #1 after reading posts about rats and weils dieses, rabies, and all the other scum they carry, i was wondering if any else fishes rat infested lakes with open front brollys ????
i fish on the busiest dayticket in the northwest and with masses of people come massive plagues of rats. there's hundreds off them, great big dirty things
i fish under a brolley so im only acouple feet away and probs in some cases inches. they dont bother me but i just make sure i dont drop any bait, keep it in a sealed bucket and hang my bin bag in a tree. this definatly works as there only there to eat the mess that we make.
i guess they just move on from my swim, to the **** hole of a swim next one down