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 New Posts  Old school angling pt2.
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   Old Thread  #667 13 Jan 2015 at 10.41am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #666
Nice one pete,remember the snow of 63,,
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   Old Thread  #666 11 Jan 2015 at 12.23pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #665
Looking over the feild from where i live it certainly looks like snow the wind seems to be blowing from the cheshire gap that usualy means snow but we will have to wait and see.

Over the years i have seen some snow mostly waist hight i have pushed myself throught with just a shovel but some was far to deep over a five bar gate and frozen solid. The roads compleatly blocked no lorries and such could reach us only a hellecopter, that flew animal feeds in and a big tray of bread, for us living on this sparse hill side was very hard in the winter, but beautiful in the summer months, but i liked most months i would be away with my gun i poached most things rabbit, hare, pheasent, partridge, and such a friend even got a sheep, or two but i kept out of that it was taking it a bit to far. i would l find a good ditch i could lie in with some bags to keep the mosture out then feed an area in front with currents the pheasents loved them i would return the next day i had made a line, up especaly for catching the pheasents, they were suckers to catch this way tie it on to a hazel stick using a size twelve or eight hook cast out and wait for a bite, it would soon come it was nothing to catch half a dozen or so that was enough for me they are quite heavy to carry back in a sack but they will last a few days well in freezing weather they will last a lot longer, we would clean up feathers and so the keepers would not notice anything unusual.

I would also shoot i was given a old two two it was a bit of a antique some one had tied up the stock with wire but it worked and was quite accurate so i could lie down on most shoots and have a few away it was not as messy as catching on currants or raisins, then the melting snow swelled the mountain streams and small rivers as it fined down and flowed to the valleys below of i would be away with a rod line and worms i would soon have a dozen or so they never grew that big half a pound at the most but were nice eating when i met dugie he had a marvelous dog we shot some good bags of rabbits we had no trouble getting rid of them and made a few bob this was in 1962 we survived the snow it was april by the time i got back to work and some of the ground was still partly frozen. well a bit more latter

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   Old Thread  #665 7 Jan 2015 at 12.07pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #663
Thanks all for your kind remarks very much appreciated.

I loved the country side and all that was in it but this was taking it a step to far, come on pete lets explore the grave yard it was not for me, but how do you say know i could not be called yellow so we had to get on with it we lit our candles in our lantern,s there was only five of us my mouth was dry before we got anwhere near the place we got under the oldgate house it was absolutly over grown mostly by black berry bushes in places they were over our head. Althought some had been cleared i was taken back a bit some were from the old gypsy clans some i knew from years ago i must admit i shed a tear, then i heard my mates shouting i had got down on my knees i had waited for this where are you pete, with a granky voice i answered them and a bit of hi oh i heard then running coming towards me i let the first go by but grabbed the next by his shoe, he has got me, he shouted please let me go i did as instructed making one hell of a noise i was screaming i could not could not stop laughing, away, they went up the old path i had managed to clime one of the tree,s they were calling pete as they came by i shook the bought unmerciful god did they go well i should say screaming and it never stoped untill they were under the gatehouse and half way aqcross the field they were still shouting by the time i had caught them up.

WHERE have you been pete same place as you did you not see the ghosts what ghosts the one grabbbed his ankle and pull him in to some old brambles i only saw him once bu it frightened them to death who was i to tell them the builders and funeral directers had been around repairing walls, well they had and were making a Fair good job of there efforts the undertakers were mostly recarving most of the old grave stones they seemed to get on well together looking back the venture would take a few years but it would keep them in work for some time. well theres a bit more latter.
Posts: 458
   Old Thread  #664 5 Jan 2015 at 2.59pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #663
Lucky indeed the chap saw you,have to admit I used to regard cross country as more of a punishment than a sport when I was at school Thanks again for all the time you've put into these posts
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   Old Thread  #663 5 Jan 2015 at 2.15pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #661
I bet you did fred bath nights were on a saterday, or a sunday, depending the state you got in and beleave me i got in a few never mind ha ha. did i ever tell you the story about me nearly getting drownwed it happened i asure you all. In those far off days i was a good at cross country running i won `a few titles all over shropshire this one particular day we were running competing against another school i think it was ludlow away we went down this lane towards the river over a barbed wire fence most crossed i helped them then all of a sudden a huge wave appeared i heard them shouting but it was to late it caught me at chest level i had my back turned when it hit me it liffted me off my feet the next thing i knew i was in a raging current the river i went under a few times before grabbing a fence and there i stayed i saw this man shouting where are you here just under the bank with an almighty heave he lifted out of the water he put me over his shoulder and carried me clear of the river good job i was looking he said as he carried me to the local abattoir they had contacted our headmaster and he came running are you alright lad yes sir this kind gentleman manged to lift me out of the river mr kenedy shook him by the hand and said thank you then he sdaid to me who authorised
this race today i dont no sir get off home we will see you tomorrow yes sir and away i went home my mother was not well pleased look of the state your in i nearly drowned mum she put her arm around me
and said ill go and get the bath why i have had enought water today to last a life time she then shouted you dont know what is in that water so i ended the day in that bath who said you can run in this weather there
was many more complaining i hope they dont stop it,, no mr Davies had been lisning its no ones fault it happened we should have watched the weather more thats what most were saying as we stood to attention next day my name came up and old kenedy thanked god for allowing me to live i was a bit nervous what the others would say but all was welll well thats another of my stories, more to come latter.

Posts: 1667
   Old Thread  #662 29 Dec 2014 at 6.35pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #661
I too loved those tin baths,as I got out my sister got in,
Happy new year to you pete
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   Old Thread  #661 29 Dec 2014 at 3.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #659
Well nearly another year gone its been sad for me losing a fishing mate. Graham and i did most things together some legal some not its fifty one years of fishing shooting and poaching, We also reared pheasents partridge they were great good days we spent hours watching a goshawk with her nest some say you should not clime a tree with a nest with eggs i did the bird went a bit scaty or should i say attacking me she had a good clutch of four eggs the male loocks very much like a large sparrow hawk the pair did quite a bit of damage between them i.e. taking young poults from our pen, good job it was graham and myself as some would have got shot by some keepers we both loved the wild life so we covered the pen with more wire and camouflaged it that stopped then any poults that died would be given to them i think we kept them alive on rabbit, the female let me get to her nest without attacking so she exepted the fact it was us the pair reared four lovely chicks and gave graham and myself a great time watching them. When i first met Graham we were everywhere together one day he said to me i have been told to keep away from you pete the chap said you were bad news little did he know i am the same we both hour heads off. We loved those days it was not only wil both we watched farmer jones when he coupled those big gray and and black shires they were so lovly pulling the tool that got the potatoes he knew we would take a few so he did one row just out from the big hedge, he shouted they be for you we soon picked ours up the farmer had a look there for your parents take no more and we certainly took no more he was a good farmer and he trustred us to keep av eye on things and we certainly did .He let us fish his part of the river if them baliffs come take no notice, tell them to come and see me we never gave them the oprtunity we were away if we saw them in the distance .

On the farmers stretch he had a wood that was in the middle of the river we were lucky to swim over dry our selves then start fishing we made a few pegs we would usualy catch around twenty between us if the baiilifs came jusy lie in the under growth it was realy called garlic island a good name considering the semll,
you would be plasterd all over your body mum would get the old tin bath out infront of the living room fire they were great days well a bit more latter may i say a happy new year to you all, god bless pete
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   Old Thread  #660 22 Dec 2014 at 2.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #649
 photo 004-2.jpg

This is the last fish that graham netted for me, before he passed away
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   Old Thread  #659 22 Dec 2014 at 12.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #657
Thank you all for the kind messages i really appreciate them well i do hope you like the next story its set not far from where i live.

It was christmas eve and a lovely night to be out , there was a slight breeze but before long it had turned to a raging storm, the trees creaked as the wind ripped through the tree tops i stood with my back to the tree, i had taken a friend with me this night his name was billy a nice lad and one that kept his mouth shut whats up pete nothing bill just listening to see if outs about how do you listen when its so ruff sh sh don't talk i am listening for any noise from the house, he must of gone to the pub, hold the torch bill and shine up this tree it was quite a big oak there was always a few up in the branches hold the light on him i looked down the sights it made a slight bang down came a big old cock he had survived last years shoot if not more i looked at his feet he had spurs like nails, he is no good i will feed him to our dogs thats a waist pete ill have him if you don't mind ok put him in the bag said i with a smile on my face Is this the wood thats haunted pete so the say billy, i hope we don't run into it you will know if we do it makes a bit of noise said i after that billy eyes were every where and not on the job, billy give me that torch you can pick the birds up so i strapped the torch to the gun we had shot about six when this old vixen let out a terrible scream bloody hell pete its the ghost away went billy i fell about laughing i could just make out billy as he ran to the path i thought thats the last ill see of him tonight. I shot another four it was now time to go i made my to the path i heard a noise pete pete where are you bill up this bloody tree i heard him the keeper coming back from the pub so i climed this tree he was a bit pidled the way he rode hid bike he will off had a skin full tonight being Christmas eve all of a sudden the bells rang out they sounded if they radiated from under the water bill was away once again its them bloody haunted bells ringing from that long lost village who told you that me dad as he disappeared over the gate into the farmyard he was soon back the old bugger had left his bull in the yard to keep the likes of us out ill never come with you again why bill because of those bells and that screaming ghost i had not the heart to tell him it was only the bells from Condover church ringing xmas day in . Bill is now in his seventies and still tells people he heard the bells and a screaming ghost. i laught when i hear him as i know better so i do not want to spoil his tail well ill wish you all a very nice christmas
and a great new year. god bless pete
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   Old Thread  #658 22 Dec 2014 at 12.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #657
Thank you all for the kind messages i really appreciate them well i do hope you like the next story its set not far from where i live.

It was christmas eve and a lovely night to be out there was a slight breeze but before long it had turned to a raging storm the trees creaked as the wind ripped through the tree tops i stood with my back to the tree, i had taken a friend with me this night his name was billy a nice lad and one that kept his mouth shut whats up pete nothing bill just listening to see if outs about how do you listen when its so ruff sh sh don't talk i amm listening for any noise from the house he must of gone to the pub, hold the torch bill and shine up this tree it was quite a big oak there was always a few up in the branches hold the light on him i looked down the sites it made a slight bang down came a big old cock he had survived last years shoot if not more i looked at his feet he had spurs like nails he is no good i will feed him to our dogs thats a waist pete ill have him if you don't mind ok put him in the bag said i with a smile on my fac Is this the wood thats haunted pete so the say billy i hope we don't run into it you will know if we do it makes a bit of noise said i after that billy eyes were every where and not on the job billy give me that torch you can pick the birds up so i strapped the torch to the gun we had shot about six when this old vixen let out a terrible scream bloody hell pete its the ghost away went billy i fell about laughing i could just make out billy as he ran to the path i thought thats the last ill see of him tonight. I shot another four it was now time to go i made my to the path i heard a noise pete pete where are you bill up this bloody tree i heard him the keeper coming back from the pub so i climed this tree he was a bit pidled the way he rode hid bike he will off had a skin full tonight being Christmas eve all of a sudden the bells rang out they sounded if they radiated from under the water bill was away once again its them bloody haunted bells ringing from thet long lost village who told you that me dad as he disappeared over the gate into the farmyard he was soon back the old bugger had left his bull in the yard to keep the likes of us out ill never come with you again why bill because of those bells and that screaming ghost i had not the heart to tell him
Posts: 458
   Old Thread  #657 19 Dec 2014 at 10.42pm  0  Login    Register
Wonderful thread,wish you a happy Christmas and a great new year Pete and thanks for a great read
Posts: 2354
   Old Thread  #656 19 Dec 2014 at 8.26am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #655
Merry Christmas pete I love reading your stories they make brilliant reading! keep up the good work
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   Old Thread  #655 18 Dec 2014 at 11.47am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #654
Thank you fred very much appreciated. I like your kind remarks regarding the haul of big chub it is true about youngsters missing out there are some good fish to be caught on our rivers using a waggler a very happy xmas and a wonderful new year. god bless pete
Posts: 1667
   Old Thread  #654 16 Dec 2014 at 7.12pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #648
Oh mate,a great chub bag,had a few like that from the lea at broxbourne.
Unfortunately youngsters are missing out on putting a waggler through running water.its an art in itself,
Great stories pete,keep em coming,merry Xmas to you,
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   Old Thread  #653 16 Dec 2014 at 1.22pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #652
Hi dean Rodger is the most caring man the keep net he uses is absolutely huge, if their was any cruelty Rodger would not have put the fish at risk, he is a fantastic angler and helps many others along the way i hope this puts your thoughts and mind at ease. god bless pete
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