Well he's not responded to my MANY phone calls and last night I drove 2hrs to go to the house only to be confronted by useless, and most likely false, information from the wife + son.
Considering how I helped Jamie restart Infinity by sorting equipment and materials, not to mention wages for rolling and helping organise + promote the company....I feel very disappointed that someone can be such a coward and not even give me the respect of a phone call to let me know what's going on.
He's let down numerous customers, all of whom I have done my utmost to help over the last two weeks as things have got progressively worse.
My apologies go out to you guys who have been let down. As I have said to those I have been in contact with "I will do my utmost to ensure that (other than the huge inconvenience caused) you are reimbursed with whatever you are owed"
At last night's visit I was extremely polite and said that I would now be forced to let people know the landline number and address. For those of you that may have met Jamie and paid cash, I knew nothing about these deals and therefore you will need to sort this out yourself (if you think there is something I can do, please let me know)
Contact details for Jamie.
Jamie Crouch,
78 Valley Side,
Waltham Forest,
E4 7SP
Land line: 0208 257 3177
Any information greatfully received (PM me please as there are a number of legal situations from both myself and others which are being initiated)
 Jamie Crouch
To all the armchair legal eagles out there:
1 - When I visited the house and was refused the right to check the garden (sheds) for my kit/bait I said that I was left with no choice but to put the phone number and address on the forum. I was told by the wife "Go ahead, do it". I have a witness who was with me that can verify that.
2 - Where did I get the address? That's where Jamie asked for all the equipment to be delivered when I bought out the previous owner. Also, that's where I got the ingredients delivered. He gave me the address, this has nothing to do with CarpForum in that respect. I am simply using CarpForum as a means to try and ensure that no one else falls for the lies and deceit that seem to flow from Jamie's mouth whenever he opens it.
The police (certainly 2 policemen who are members on here) have checked the thread and seen nothing wrong with it.
I am not encouraging anyone to do anything illegal, but going and knocking on someones door is more likely to get you your bait than a phone call.
If anyone is out of order it would be
1 - the 15yr old son who threatened to come downstairs and kick my head in. Brave words from someone hanging out an upstairs window. If I had wanted trouble I would have loved to have 'let off a little steam' when he opened the front door. I would also have had access to the house at that point. But no, I remained calm and kept stating that I simply wanted what was MINE.
2 - the wife who threatened to let the 4 rottweilers out. I told her I liked dogs, she said they wouldn't like me. A little presumptuous I would say as they have never had the pleasure of my company
In reply to Post #94 Indeed. I went 'above and beyond the call of duty' to help him out.
He had it so easy, but instead of sorting people out with the bait they had ordered (and paid for!) he was more interested in selling on the side and giving it to 'mates'.
I hope those 'mates' don't get dragged into another failed attempt, if they do they need to realise they are throwing money away. They'll have nothing to show for it.
The more i read this the more i think what a sad state of affairs this is for all concerned....
In reply to Post #86 Gawd knows,they do smell fruity though
His orange pop ups were good too...gutted I run out of them
In reply to Post #86 i did really well on the tigernut .....seems a shame really hope karlos can salvage something from all this .....the baits were all very good
In reply to Post #85 that will be the pineapple plum (yellow) the red one were the new fruitella pop ups tom i take it
In reply to Post #82 im still on the c&bp great stuff
TBH...I've got yellow 1s and red 1s ain't got a clue what they're called....but I know they work
In reply to Post #78 I did....
In reply to Post #82 used to be a tester as well for those after some c&bp bucky is selling 25kg in the classified for 90 quid i think
In reply to Post #80 nice one parli .....
im still on the c&bp great stuff
In reply to Post #78 i am its a top bait still got a bit but not gonna last me
In reply to Post #79 I'm still using it ...even had a fish on it today....good bait
In reply to Post #78 well i did ...until it went wonky last time that is
In reply to Post #77 out of intrest how many of you that has contributed to this thread use infinity baits ..just a thought
In reply to Post #73 Great minds and all that....
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #75
In reply to Post #71 you probably scared him winksy with your turnip muchers ackcent alright my loverrrr lmao
In reply to Post #73 wont be long before he's on crimewatch with a mugshot like that
In reply to Post #68 LOL That is the fist thought that came into my mind when I saw the Picture.
'Police File'
In reply to Post #71
In reply to Post #70 I just rang the landline and now the son owns the house and jamie doesnt live there
In reply to Post #69
In reply to Post #68 dont give up on the bait yet mate im sure karlos will have something sorted soon
Was gonna stick an order in soon as well,looking at the post 1000 with the crime watch poster im glad i didn't.........
In reply to Post #65 I dont think he had any chance Colin
always destined to be a community moderator ...never a full time proffesional moderator ...
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #64 gone in one thoughtless post
Itss a fine line between success and failure mate
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #61 I dont think he had any chance Colin
In reply to Post #63 After all these years of tongueing too
gone in one thoughtless post
| Fozzy | Posts: 17232 |  | aka Elephant Man | |
In reply to Post #61 has ian blown his chance at being a mod now beave
After all these years of hard work too
In reply to Post #60 has ian blown his chances at being a mod now beave
In reply to Post #57 same as his field testers who had nothing to do with the running of the firm. i dont agree what jamie has done . but to the div that feels its ok to start sending messages to the lads who tested for infinity ..well how sad are you
In reply to Post #56 Who is information on the domain
Its not private data, anyone can find his address out and Im guessing the phone number can be found directory enquiries.
| Beave | Posts: 15676 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #56 What does that have to do with anything ?
If you actually bothered to read the thread properly Ian rather than just spouting off you would see that he was operating out of a new business address that also happened to be his home address .
I dont really see what the data protection act has to do with this but perhaps you would care to enlighten us all with your worldly knowledge of all things legal .
If someone done that to me and i had people chasing me for someone elses debts i would also be more than happy to release the new business address to all concerned so they could recoup their money somehow , if it meant putting it up on a carp forum for every one to find out then so be it
In reply to Post #1000 would like to say to you all your problem is with is with him and not with his family so keep this in mind please if going round or ringing his house. yes he does owe money or bait and it will come out in the wash whats going on, but his mrs and kids dont need to suffer so a little thought with your actions please
In reply to Post #55 at company house it is still listed at a business park address not a private one
In reply to Post #54 refer to post 45, answers your question
In reply to Post #53 the only trouble is when we asked for a person details we get told it is not allowed as it data protection act unless the police are involved i sorry Karlos has been ripped off but why should the wife and kids be subjected to all the hassle as they have not done anything that we know of only to the fact she more than likely covering jamie arse as to his ware abouts
In reply to Post #1000 well put mate,i bet hes "crouching" low
In reply to Post #48 to the big man who's calling me a theiving pikey b******d . get your facts right .i tested for jamie end off . you have mail ......send me or johno another message like the last one and it will be 100% the biggest regret of your life .... its a small country isnt it robert
In reply to Post #50 Thats what i was thinking?
In reply to Post #1000 shouldn't his advertising banner be taken down from the form?
In reply to Post #48 well said
In reply to Post #47 to anyone sending me and cockneybloke messages on facebook calling us filthy pikey theiving c**ts get a life we only test there baits we dont own the company so get a life will ya
In reply to Post #46 sorry colin just had a good chat with karlos seems things are the way people are saying that they are
In reply to Post #43 shame some others just presume the worst all the time. some people just slag people off before they know what the reasons are dont they colin
whys that aimed at me mark ??????? .... who did i slag off ???? have i said anything else that hasnt already been said....
and was just making the point really, that despite people suggesting that jamies family may be being harrassed, it would appear that his family are involved in this as much as jamie is
In reply to Post #40 I just see printing his private HOME address on here as a cheap shot and an invitation to harass at that address.
http://www.infinitybaits.co.uk/ is registered at his home address, not at the business address. This information is freely available online. I'll go back to minding my own business now.
In reply to Post #1000 real shame its got this . hope all get it sorted
In reply to Post #40 good points julian
shame some others just presume the worst all the time. some people just slag people off before they know what the reasons are dont they colin
In reply to Post #31 And visiting his home address is going to get you satifaction ??
Karl thought so...came away with sweet FA didn't he ???
no just lots of verbal abuse off jamies 15 year old son
In reply to Post #40 Dont get me wrong Julian i completely see your point and in some ways agree, but can also see how as an investor karl was probably driven mad by angry customers and feels they should contact the responsible party....
In reply to Post #38 I dont know fella...thats the honest answer .
Quite what Karl's involvement in the Infinity business is...I dont know. How culpable does making an investment in a company make you ??
Difference is, I'm not attempting to apportion blame, unlike many others, because I dont know the facts.
I just see printing his private HOME address on here as a cheap shot and an invitation to harass at that address.
Now, not knowing the facts, but maybe knowing Karls private home address.... am I entitled to publish that so others can harrass because I have a greivance I'm unable to resolve under my own steam???
This should have been dealt with in private, and with the correct authorities if offences have been committed. Not on an open forum where none of the facts are included.
I am in no way defending any actions that were wrong from ANY parties, I'm not simply defending Jamie...I have no need , interest or desire to. I have no alliance to anybody here.
Anyhoo...nuff said on this from me really. Made my point...it may make sense to some and not other...all I can do is make the point, which I've done...so I'll leave it there.
In reply to Post #37 I did not necessarily mean lynching in a physical sense......more in a vilification sense
In reply to Post #36 I think you'll find that route is being followed, but as i keep saying why should Karl take these calls from irate customers
In reply to Post #36 plus you'll only get yourslef in trouble
but i dont think anyone is suggesting going round and 'Lynching' him, the thread wont have been started to incourage that. more like for people to try and get in direct contact with Jamie.
Karlos isnt dumb he wouldnt do anything that could back fire on himself
In reply to Post #32 Call the Police or Trading Standards then...
They might actually establish some FACTS.....
I know its considered old fashioned to want facts...but I'd prefer to see some before the lynching
In reply to Post #33
In reply to Post #29 If so it was certainly private and not for public consumption or Karl would not have written :
At last night's visit I was extremely polite and said that I would now be forced to let people know the landline number and address
In reply to Post #32 Julian isnt going to like that post
In reply to Post #31 julian its seems he needs to get whats coming to him.
you cant just go round ripping poeple off can u
In reply to Post #30 And visiting his home address is going to get you satifaction ??
Karl thought so...came away with sweet FA didn't he ??? Guessing it pee'd him off big time too...hence his post
Ifr you have a genuine greivance, are owed money or feel that you've been taken advantage of...then visit Trading Standards or The POLICE !!!!
It might actually achieve something if you all do that.......
In reply to Post #29 Make ya 110% right , the culprit should be the one hounded by the disgruntled customers
In reply to Post #25 It's the address and phone number the business is run from and where the bait is made.... As i stated before why should Karl take these calls surely the owner should.....
Can't understand why someone would want to do such a thing when they clearly had a great opportunity to rebuild from what i have seen on here a well respected and good bait firm and it had a decent following and could of been big had it been marketed properly , why would anyone want to chuck that away is beyond me ..
I feel for anyone who has had their fingers burned including and not Least Karl who by the looks of it has chucked a lot of money and time and effort at it only to be treated like he is a **** , so very wrong
In reply to Post #26 either way i hope people get what there owed or questions are answered.
In reply to Post #24 Glad a sense of humour prevails regardless of difference of opinions
we cant get to worked up can we, its just a forum
either way i hope people get what there owed or questions are answered.
In reply to Post #21 The number is not a business number listed on the website...rather a private residential number.
The address is not listed as the business address on the website , rather a private residential address.
In reply to Post #22 No dean...I have not been ripped off by him, and do sincerely feel sorry for anybody that has a genuine greivance.
Just cant see this thread being helpful...surely its only succeeded in driving hime further underground if that is his intention.
****DISCLAIMER: i dont condone the posting of poo****
Glad a sense of humour prevails regardless of difference of opinions.
In reply to Post #22 Sorry to hear of bad news Karl, and hope you get it all sorted mate.
In reply to Post #19 you clearly havent been ripped of buy him have you?
neither have i and to some degree i shouldnt get invold, end of the day though its a public forum so i have every right to stick my nose in, and yes have an opinion on the matter. If this isnt a forum matter then it shouldnt have been posted on an open forum!
espcially when someone seems to be sitcking up for him regarding giving his details out to the people he has ripped off.
infact have you ever been ripped off? did you enjoy it and allow the person to get away with it by not finding out there details?
****DISCLAIMER: i dont condone the posting of poo****
In reply to Post #20 As already stated all the original op has done is give out the business address and phone no. why should he when not the company owner field all the calls from disgruntled customers??
In reply to Post #18 ....... did jamie consider the implications to his family????? it doesnt appear so does it ...
So now THEY should suffer for it ???
And to my knowledge...the last trading address of Infinity Baits was an industrial unit...not a residential address ??
Dont get me wrong, I'm not on any sides here. If Jamie owes peple money, or has lied and been deceitful....all that should not be without consequence.
Just dont think the line of approach this thread takes as appropriate.
As I said before , Its a thinly veiled invitation to harass...
In reply to Post #17 And FFS what ACTUALLY has he done.
I doubt very much you were privvy to the personal business dealings...were you ???
But suddenly you can be judge, jury and executioner....even justifying attacks to the personal address with poo ??
Grow up fella..think about what you type for just a few seconds before you commit your ignorance to print
In reply to Post #16 unfortunately if you run a business from a home address ,thats the price you pay for doing so if you have unhappy customers and business associates who have apparently been turned over for considerable sums of money ...so imo all the op has actually done is put the details up of the companies address and contact details ........ did jamie consider the implications to his family????? it doesnt appear so does it ....
In reply to Post #16 and you dont think that scum like this deserve it?
tough **** if his phones constantly ringing and he's getting dog poo posted through his door, its self inflicted. should of thought about all this before he has done what he's done
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of anything that may have gone on with the business dealings of Infinity Baits.....I seriously question the moral stance of directly publishing personal family telephone number and address ??
If the poster reached no resolution from phoning this number, or visiting said family address, then what precisely is the purpose of publishing said info on a public forum ?
Seems like incitement to harrass more than anything else. Unfortunately it will probably end up with the wife and kid being harrassed on that number/at that address which aint really on.
Unfortunately this thread just reads as a as a swipe and not an attempt to remedy anything.
I have no vested interest in this subject, other than having an opinion. I have no opinion about the business itself, because I, like most of the posters will only hear rumour and not fact about what has passed.
Wonder how the OP would feel if HIS family address and phone number were plastered over the forums. His wife and family had the home phone ringing off the hook, or they had a constant stream of disgruntled callers to the family home. Wouldn't be nice for them would it???Wether anger is justified, and revenge deserved, well...thats irrelevant. Posting personal details of a forum user as a swipe, thinly veiled as attempt to help other forum users...well that gotta be wrong aint it ??
Also, if you harvest private, personal information like address and telephone numbers during the registration process, or the process of gaining a then surely you are obliged under the Data Protection Act to keep that information secure and private...not directly publish that information on the internet ?? Maybe wrong, but I'd have thought that....????
In reply to Post #14 i too are in the bcac fishing for infinity/carpforum and have no replys from jamie so me and kev b are looking for a new bait to use thats if karlos has not sorted something else.
i have people call me for info on infinity can i just say that i did roll there baits but when jamie moved the company to his home i stopped rolling plus i am getting sick of people asking me whats going on with them when i only rolled to help him out
In reply to Post #12 May I suggest that anyone who is owed bait that has been paid for contacts trading standards.
If he is allowed to get away with ripping people off there is nothing to stop him forming a new company and doing the same thing time and time again.
Some people just dont know a good thing when they see it.
Karlos, feel for you mate.
In reply to Post #1000 whats gone on?
The guy must be a complete *****,hes been given a second chance to restart a business what has potential only to balls it all up again
Hi karlos, sorry to here about infinity , in six weeks time im ment to be fishing a pairs match with the (cockney bloke) in the BCAC at brooklands 1st april , sponserd by infinity baits/carp forum what i need to know is what is happening now ? are we still sponserd by both infinity and the carp forum or just the forum or neither , if so i need to find another bait company and soon .
Karlos in no way do i think you or the forum are to blame for this mess , just need answers
thanks baz..
In reply to Post #8 forgive me if im having a blond moment,buts whats gone on here?has people been paying for bait and not getting it, sounds bang out of line if so,and for the treatment towards karlos
In reply to Post #6 what a joke
Blimeyt! Hope no-one is too much out of pocket and something can be sorted for those that are. Just not cricket.
I hate to say it after the event but could see this coming a mile off, to say our dealings with Jamie where a pain in the arse last year would be an understatement....
Hope you have some lucking getting sorted Karl a shame you've been left with this mess whilst the real culprit hides under a stone somewhere....
There are more than one person on here that knows him personally i'm sure someone can point you in the right direction.....
In reply to Post #1000 no excuses what so ever
this bloke had a second bite of the cherry thanks to karlos and his money and ****ed that up as well
hope you get some sort of payback karlos
In reply to Post #2 Hope this gets resolved for every party involved. What a useless ****
In reply to Post #1000 Bloody hell .
In reply to Post #1000 not good mate hope you and everyone else owed money gets it sorted