In reply to Post #1798 Thanks matt and john, yes i will see about getting ot cleaned next time im in camera shop. Only had it couple of months cant belive ive got spots already
In reply to Post #1796 Hi Dave, I have considered cleaning the sensor as part of routine maintenance, not sure if it needs it. I think that Matt’s advice is worth taking on board. A good kit seems to cost around the same price of getting it done professionally.
I would hate to write off a camera for the sake of DIY when the fix could be a lot less than 10% of the camera cost.
In reply to Post #1796 I really wouldn't try doing it yourself. The sensor is easily knackered and if you damage it you will be buying a new camera. I get mine cleaned when it needs it for about £50 (I think). This way I am covered if it is wrecked. I know of large photographic departments that considered training someone to clean sensors but soon realised that one mistake would wipe out all the savings. The job requires practice and a lightness of touch and is really best left to someone that has had plenty of experience.
In reply to Post #1795 Thanks John, I seem to have a couple of spots of dirt appeared on my D5100 sensor, tried blowing it off without success, thinking about buying a swab kit, wonder if you've had to clean any of yours in the past
In reply to Post #1792 The detail on that head is very good, don’t think it could be better. Nice one Dave
In reply to Post #1793 Thanks Pete.
In reply to Post #1792 Great photography dave
In reply to Post #1000

In reply to Post #1790 Green, green grass of home.
In reply to Post #1789

wales in the rain
In reply to Post #1788 Thanks Andrew I like this one as well
In reply to Post #1786 Cheers mate.
And I think that bluebottle or what ever it is? Is your best macro shot yet Jeffrey
Taken with a Vivitar 90mm f2.8 Macro in Canon FD mount, adapted to Canon EOS
In reply to Post #1784 sigma 120 - 400, nikon d7000, thanks
Blimey, you can almost see apollo 11's tyre tracks !!!
Awesome pic !!