Madame Kestrelle
I assume she's French with a meal of frog's legs
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In reply to Post #1918 Thanks tufty
In reply to Post #1917 stunning, so sharp, love the background
Message Suppressed by Forum Moderator.
In reply to Post #1914 Thanks Ken, you have my reply in PM form
In reply to Post #1913 John: I have deleted that thread...and you have PM
In reply to Post #1911 Hi Russ I have posted a reply on Camera Tips,Tricks & Image Enhancement which is in the `Non Carp Section`
In reply to Post #1911 Such is life, was thinking of starting a thread in the non carp section for topics like; camera tips and tricks, image processing and the like as a lot of people are asking questions in all kind of threads. Information is key and that's what a forum is about. As long as it is in the right place and does not offend the powers that be.
Not sure about the Nikon I will get back to you
Nice one Ken killed that What Camera thread stone dead locking it. could have just told them to keep the thread on track
So to carry on with chaps can anyone tell me which other camera is on par with the nikon 5100 it looks a great bit of kit but no remote control with it like the canons have
In reply to Post #1909 I didn't see it that way but I do now
This was taken on my mobile....not bad for a HTC
In reply to Post #1908 The jet trail and the rising sun looks like a missile strike. Nice job though
In reply to Post #1000 Taken a few mins ago by the Millenium Bridge before I start work
In reply to Post #1903 Loving the chaos in your photo mate, can really get a sense of the moment!
Surprised there's not a few firework shots on here yet! Here's a couple that I bagged last night, not great as they were out of my loft skylight!
The last picture was the result of me giving up on the fireworks, and aiming for a decent shot of Jupiter, just with a standard 250mm zoom lens. Came out ok considering, but can anyone verify that it's Saturn at the bottom of the picture? It sure looks like it! I didn't even know it was there until I uploaded my photo's to the PC. No editing at all, apart from cropping.

In reply to Post #1903