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 New Posts  photography thread.
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Posts: 696
   Old Thread  #2241 1 Oct 2015 at 10.43pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2240
Posts: 4825
   Old Thread  #2240 1 Oct 2015 at 10.26pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2239

Lower the F number the shallower the depth of field, i.e. In your case F2.7 more background blur. Try and keep your background as far away as possible, there is another way in wich involves zooming in, but not so great for self takes.
Posts: 696
   Old Thread  #2239 1 Oct 2015 at 7.05pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1915
Guys is it possible to achieve the blurred background on trophy shorts with out a SLR. Ive just got a Canon SX30 bridge camera and i was hoping i could do it. Im a newbe to camera and keen to learn.

Posts: 1069
   Old Thread  #2238 18 Sept 2015 at 8.33pm  0  Login    Register
just a heads up for you canon eos users .ive just bought a Yongnuo YN35mm EF 35mm F/2 Wide-angle Fixed AF lens from ebay for £67,the canon equivalent is around £350 ,great lens for self portrait fishing photos
youtube review
Posts: 721
   Old Thread  #2237 16 Aug 2015 at 11.16am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2236
Thanks for the reply. I try to find a balance between getting a full picture but not what you decribe. the pics look rediculous with extended arms and a tiny head.

There a local lad to me Craig Mortimer (with Gardner), check his pictures out on his Facebook page if you get some spare time. I loathe the bloke but he takes a cracking self take, I'm trying to achieve something similar to those.

I'm out Monday night fishing, So I'll have another play If I'm lucky enough to catch. I'll definately be playing with the ISO and other bits that have been advised. Sorry I am a novice at this, can I play with exposure compensation on my camera?

I'm working on the editing software, I have a copy of lightroom but need to change this laptop before I can start playing with it.

Do you know if you can get a remote for the Canon G11?


Posts: 95
   Old Thread  #2236 15 Aug 2015 at 10.09am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2228
Ben, the photo isn't bad but there are a lot of shadows. This can be rectified simply post editing using most editing software packages. These days most photos you see are edited. Shoot with JPEG for two reasons. One you can get more on your sd card and two the camera edits it slightly for you.

For bright days I agree use an ISO of around 200 but play with exposure compensation too. I shot both canon and Nikon and find this is more affective on Nikon but this will take away the brightness a little giving you more detail. Also try and get slightly closer to the camera - not to make a double figure carp look like a thirty but to fill the frame! Get a cheap shutter remote off eBay and practise with it too. Self timer is great but the shutter remote will make your life much easier!! Hope this helps!
I've just started using a remote shutter. It does make me laugh at my syndicate when people are putting the carp as close as possible then lieing about the weight!

Posts: 721
   Old Thread  #2235 7 Aug 2015 at 12.32pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2234
Gotta get out fishing first
Posts: 3622
   Old Thread  #2234 2 Aug 2015 at 6.59pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2233
I'm glad it helped, just 1 word of warning..........DON'T post better photo's than me
Posts: 721
   Old Thread  #2233 2 Aug 2015 at 10.11am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2232
Thanks David, it's helped a lot already. Very easy to follow even for a noddy like me. Cheers
Posts: 3622
   Old Thread  #2232 1 Aug 2015 at 9.11pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2230
I'm getting back into photography after a very long time out (25 years plus) I found Mike Browne easy to follow on YouTube, CLICK HERE for the link, I downloaded as much as I could with a YouTube downloader then refer to it when needed, hope this helps you, it did me
Posts: 3201
   Old Thread  #2231 1 Aug 2015 at 9.35am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2228
A bit of fill-flash would improve things there.
When the sun is high in the sky, or when it's impractical to get it directly onto your face then a bit of fill-flash will get rid of those shadows.
Your flash isn't just for when it's dark out
Posts: 721
   Old Thread  #2230 31 Jul 2015 at 7.47pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2229
Thanks for the reply. I'll definately start playing with the iso. The aperture only reaches f8 on the G11. From what I've read the G11 isn't the best of camera for the 'blurred background' look, I'm asuming because of the lower aperture available? I'm happy with the little blur on my pic though. I can't find anything in the manual on continuous focusing. I'm a beginner at most with photography, so I'm trying to learn when I can.
Posts: 1041
   Old Thread  #2229 31 Jul 2015 at 12.31pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2228
ben its not too bad, but try setting your iso your self and maybe step out of auto mode and into manual

sunny days iso 100- 200 and set aperture to say f11 this should give you a fairly good D O F so a sharper shot

on overcast days try upping iso to 400

will the g 11 do continuous focus? if so maybe try setting that

just try it out practice makes perfect
Posts: 721
   Old Thread  #2228 30 Jul 2015 at 10.38pm  0  Login    Register
Guys, need a little camera advice or suggestions for improvements. I hope it's OK to post this here and not in general discussion.

This is a self take from today

Now for you guys I'm sure this is pretty shocking, but for me I'm relatively happy with it but much can be proved upon I'm sure.

What adjustments could I make to the camera (G11) to improve on this for future self takes? The picture was taken on aperture priority, auto ISO and white balance and on built in timer. The light levels were very high when taking.

I'm guessing the slight grain or lack of 'crispness' could be a slight focusing issue on the timer (15 second delay, 5 shot burst)? This was the better of the bunch.

And yes a smile wouldn't go a miss

Thanks for any help

Posts: 6758
   Old Thread  #2227 30 Jul 2015 at 1.09pm  0  Login    Register
cheers mate.

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