In reply to Post #2320 You could look for a camera with a built in interval timer or buy one that connects to your camera for about 12 quid on eBay. I use a Nikon D7200 that has a built in one and never had any issues with photographing fish this way.
im giving myself a headache looking at cameras, im looking for a camera with a flip round screen..a.budget of £300.
i want to be able to set it on a tripod,pick the fish up and then take the pucture,on my previous g5 i had a remote. do cameras have wink/smile recognition to take the picture. i dont want to have to press the button,scramble to pick the fish up for the 10 second timer...
what camera gives me the options to do this please.
In reply to Post #2307 F4 will keep you and the fish sharp but throw the background out nicely aslong as there is a good separation from the background
Use a depth of field calculator if you are unsure, plenty online or apps to download.
edit: just replied to a year old post - apologies!
In reply to Post #1915 Well, maybe this will change soon. I got into fishing photography thanks to this: http://noon-day.com/ and I've become quite good at it. That company is also worth checking out, by the way.
Has anyone had any luck capturing the blood moon?
I got up at 4 and have only had the odd glimpse through clouds. Here's hoping it clears a bit before I head to work
In reply to Post #2314 I don't think there's anything to worry about really, with all the advantages of mirror less and the fact all the lenses will work with an adaptor, the only real issue is that some people just won't get on with an evf.
I'd think the Eos m mount will die before the ef mount, I expect to see crop sensor Eos r cameras in the near future
I'm a little disappointed Olympus didn't join Leica sigma and Panasonic in the l mount group, I'd definitely be interested in a full frame omd.
In reply to Post #2314 Guess not
So guys, with the recent release of the Nikon Z6/Z7 and Canon EOS R full frame mirrorless bodies, Sony's established mirrorless line, and Canons established EF-M APS-C line selling well, is anyone getting worried that DSLR will be phased out over the coming years?
In reply to Post #1000 right guys...I own a canon 700d and am looking for recommendations for a good scenic/wildlife lens to give me more options than my 18-55 and 50mm. Can anyone recommend me anything - don't want to spend the earth (under £200 used)
In reply to Post #2305 Stunning birds they are.
In reply to Post #2307 Got the same lens. I find f5.6 the best all round aperture but f11 gives more depth of field. I use it wide open only for landscapes (scenics) when the focus is at infinity. Otherwise the dof is too shallow and it is all to easy to get blurred trophy shots.
In reply to Post #2305 Only just realised this thread existed.
The Non Carp section often gets over looked. I did suggest they include it when you do a 'Read Next' but it never happened.
In reply to Post #2305 Lovely shots

Bloody foreigners
In reply to Post #2307 Risky. It will be sharpest a few stops above wide open. 2.5-3.2 I normally favour. Trial and error though mate, every day is different.
Just bought a Nikon 35mm 1.8 lens. What aperture would be best for trophy shots? Is 1.8 too low?