I thought this was really well done.
In reply to Post #107 id say get yourself a canon with a flip screen. 620/630, or g2/g3. you can then get an air bulb release and mounting bracket, and all for under a ton.
that way you'll never need to pass your camera over to any dog walker or passer by!
In reply to Post #1000 How we doing lads - never been too bothered by photography but after my camera letting me down on the trophy shots of my new p.b. i feel the time has finally come to invest in a decent camera.
Ideally don't want to spend more than £100, if i can get away with spending less its a bonus, if i need to spend abit more to get the right camera then so be it!!
The camera will mainly be used for fish photos and possibly a few wildlife shots but doesn't have to be amazing just something that will give me some nice clear, focused shots of my catches - also needs to be relatively easy to use for when you get a noddy or dog walker on the other side of the camera!!
Always travel light so it needs to be small and compact - don't want one with a big lense you have to screw on or anything?
Any suggestions?
In reply to Post #105 I used to have this camera (the ixus40) and never had any problems with the battery life.
In reply to Post #104 well ones the original and the others were bought sometime after. it funny coz my mates got a canon camera (not an ixus) and seems to have a similar problem. might go to jessops on monday and c if i can get a new battery.
In reply to Post #103 sounds like it may be worth changing the batteries, how old is the camera? are the batteries the ones that came with it?
hi all, i have a CANON IXUS 40 which i take fishing with me for its compact size. takes a spot on picture etc but my problem lies in the batteries. even after charging over night i only seem to be able to get a few photos out of it before the battery icon starts flashing . this happens with all 3 batteries i have. does anyone else have this problem and or know of a solution/reason??
In reply to Post #101 i think so
In reply to Post #100 thats what you look like lol
here is a couple of edits i did of the same fish, took me about 10 mins, i wanted you guys to see?

or ?
In reply to Post #98 then you might get a bit of sharpening but not much....
In reply to Post #96 the lens usually bings out the detail, all you can so is sharpen (unsharp mask in photoshop) on a piece of software and you can over do it easily too...
what format was the original picture in mate? if its shot in RAW format we might be able to bring out more detail, if its JPEG you probably cant...
a weld macro, with a crack at the weld toe. I am a welding inspector
I edited that using windows picture manager. I wandered if I'd get more detail use a profesional photo editor