In reply to Post #46 POTENTIAL DEATH RIG
These pictures are very good, however I do disagree with the second method of attachment. The knot that is used is incorrect as the excess/tail end of the knot is pointing in the wrong direction.
In the event of a lost rig/snap up/crack off.
If this was to be used with the ever popular chod rig (or some other rigs) then the bead above the rig may not be able to get over this knot. The excess/tail end of line acts in the same way as a bard does and can cause the bead to get trapped behind it, creating a piece of leadcore with a lead attached at one end and a rig at the other that can not be disgarded by the fish. The chance of this increases with thicker/stiffer line or if weed gets caught around it.
If you are to attach leadcore in this way (via spicing) then the knot used most double back on itself in order for the tail/excess end to be pointing away from the lead and leadcore. If this is done then the tail end will not impeed the movement of the bead over the knot and will allow the fish to free the rig from the leadcore.
In reply to Post #1000 well done mate great pics and instruction, i have used leadcore for years and find it great when used properly, a couple of points i have found the gardner leadcore the best by a long shot its much thinner,the lead never pokes through the skin and being thin your end tackle will easily slip off if you should crack off or your main line break!! my other point is some people are still tieing the leadcore to their mainline using a SWIVEL!!!!! THIS SHOULD NEVER BE DONE AS IT TURNS IT INTO A DEATH RIG! should always be tied as you have shown! well done geez.
In reply to Post #1000 hye mate just a quick one and i no that its nothing to do with ledcore but how do you add pics to your posts???
In reply to Post #1000 Well done mate that’s a great bit if instruction. Can’t fault the process and can vouch that they work in practice.
In reply to Post #1000 I have just posted a topic on trying to work out how to tie leadcore to the mainline and this has helped me a great deal
In reply to Post #1000 excellent pictures and explaination - A real credit to the site as these topics are very helpfull for members looking for help and advice (any more ??)
In reply to Post #35 The harder you pull, the tighter it gets.
In reply to Post #38 leadcore is the only way that i fish now, didnt hear much about it till last year and wont go back great diagrams
In reply to Post #1000 Great Diagram :D
In reply to Post #36 im gunna give them a try becouse im strugeling to make my own lead core good advce mate
In reply to Post #1000 lovely pics mate, should try doing the mags.very profesional.
In reply to Post #34 Exactly what I was trying to say
The harder you pull, the tighter it gets.
In reply to Post #28 It acts like the old chinese finger trap......if you've ever heard of that?
In reply to Post #32 Since I posted that, I think I have got my head around it!!
If you push the outer section of the leadcore together, all the strands sort of open up loose but if you pull it tight , obviously it tightens up. So when pulling the tag end through it's loose allowing it to be pulled through. However, when you try and pull it back apart, the outer tightens up on the inner not letting it back through.
I don't know if that made any sense