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 New Posts  Could someone do idiots guide to posting pics
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Posts: 4399
   Old Thread  #1184 13 Jan 2023 at 10.40pm  1  Login    Register
I now upload pictures to the forum using

Upload your image, select html medium sized from the drop down list, html thumb for clickable thumbnail sized pics.




Posts: 4399
   Old Thread  #1180 2 Feb 2022 at 10.48am  3  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1179
See post #1182 (pinned to the top) for the easiest picture posting options.

How to use postimage for the forum.

Easy option is to choose thumbnail for website. The pic is small but you can click and enlarge.

This is what a thumbnail gives you...


Best option for a full size picture is to choose hotlink for website. This is what you'll get AFTER you make the link forum friendy...


You need to add width=600 into the correct place, as detailed in pictures below. Basically, go to the picture info in the code, at the end of the picture info and between the / and the > add a space, then width=600, then another space.
The pictures show:
1, copied link, thumbnail for website, easy copy/paste.
2, copied link, hotlink for website, NEEDS ALTERATION...
3, shows the copy/paste from postimage posted onto the forum.
4, zoomed in on the link, showing where you need to alter the text (red arrow)
5, the link with the new text added, underlined in blue (space width=600 space) and ready to post.










Posts: 4399
   Old Thread  #1179 19 Sept 2021 at 12.56pm  1  Login    Register
We all used to use photobucket but it became a bit dodgy a while back.

Now I use postimage, it says Thumbnail for website:


Or try full size... use: Hotlink for website, but insert width=600 before the end of the copied link (>) but without the brackets...

Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #1177 31 Mar 2015 at 10.25am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1163
For me, I use an image hosting site like wherein I can get BB codes, html codes and more; that I could use on threads.
Posts: 3622
   Old Thread  #1176 7 Dec 2014 at 12.40pm  0  Login    Register
Since Ken showed me how to do a link I opened an account with PB and applied the same info and it looks a lot easier than what I have been looking at, the first thing I do is resize the photo in PB, if its too big when you put it in CF it can look massive, within PB open the photo that you want in CF, to the right of it there is a choice of different codes, click on "HTML" that will copy your photo, now go to the reply in CF click in the text box (the big area to the right of the smileys) and press control & V (Windows) or CMD & V (Mac) and your photo will appear as text, just as a guide I made this photo 400 points wide and leave the padlock locked so the height and width ratio remain the same.

 photo 533aa1f7-dc10-4497-b762-f5f79b830447_zpsa217cb0b.jpg

If you are having trouble with Photobucket follow the below guide, READ ALL BEFORE TAKING ANY ACTION.

Once you have found “Photobucket” on the web register to create an account, now login using the user name and password you used to create your account, find the button that says UPLOAD and click it, on the next screen you have the option of choosing or dragging a photo into Photobucket, we will use the CHOOSE for now, click the CHOOSE button, a window will open, in this window find a test photo and click it once, then click OPEN or just double click the photo, the next window gives you the choice of making your photo public or private, click the PADLOCK to make it private, the next window which is called “Edit Privacy Settings” click UPLOAD, give it a few moments then click LIBRARY at the top of the window, you should now see your photo.

Photo from Photobucket to Carpforum.

You have clicked LIBRARY and you should see your photo, click it ONCE, it will open with extra bits showing to the right of it, click the HTML button ONCE, you have “COPIED” your photo, DON’T do anything else in Photobucket.

Now login to Carpforum, go to “FAQs and Help” then find the TEST THREAD, click “reply”, click once in the open window so that you have a flashing curser, now press CMD (keep it down) and press “V” (that’s for a Mac) for Windows press “CONTROL” instead of CMD, lots of letters will appear, this is normal, now click “SUBMIT YOUR REPLY”, scroll down to see your picture, if it is very big the next time you go into Photobucket EDIT the photo so the size is 400 pixels wide, (I should have said this when you first uploaded your photo).

Posts: 1439
   Old Thread  #1000 13 Jun 2008 at 11.56am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
if you havent worked it out yet heres what to do.
imagine you are in the middle of typing a message on carp forum and you want to add a picture to it.

first type in this.

,,,,,open a new webpage.

1, join (thats if you haven't already done so) here
2, upload the pics from your computer to photobucket
3, whilst looking at photo bucket this is what you may see

4, choose the picture you want to send to carp forum
5, under the picture you will notice 4 options,email & im, direct link, html code, img code.
right dont panic, this is very simple.

note - edit,,,,
i think photobucket has changed a little since i wrote this out last year,,,,

on photo bucket, simply right mouse over the writing next to where it says direct link, left mouse click the text,,then right mouse click,,,(a small box pops up),,click copy,,the text then turns blue,,then simply paste it between the = and w (width)
note - edit,,,,

6, paste it to your message after the = (by left clicking directly after the = then right mouse clicking then click paste)

it should then look like this

and thats it ! done,,but if you want to make the picture smaller change the number at the end of width=500 to width= 400
to make the picture bigger change it to width=600 but dont go to big as you will get told off by the moderators !!!

i keep these 2 things saved in a notepad folder on my desktop for easy reference

the top one is for adding pics,,the next one is for adding links
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