In reply to Post #133 well here we go again graham and i took the lease on bomere lake now known as the bomere archer syndicate it containd big roach massive pike big tench and some bream so we formed the syndicate mostly the three countys group we float fished in the day with large floats catching many roach to two pounds it was a change from bream fishing but they were always on my mind. the best night gramham and i caught eight roach over two pounds. dennis had seen some large tench so i was determined to catch one and so i did using lob worm managed two 9pounds 12oz and 7 pounds big fish for that time we also caught pike to 26 pounds. we divided our time between berrington bomere and betton catching some great fish .dick would ring t to see how we were getting and i think was quite impresed with the fish we were catching. and now back to bream as i said a session was arranged with angling times in october there had been some frost we made up our minds to fish blake mere everyone arrived dennis fished on the boat graham and myself chose a nice swim on the canal bank it was a complete disaster it froze so hard i woke up in the morning covered in frost we only had lufumo bed chairs no sleeping bag only blankets and some canves to cover us up it was hard in those days i looked at graham he was white with hore we nearly froze to death dennis had trouble getting the boat back that ended winter night fishing. we continued fishing trotting on the severn and local brookes for chub roach and dace catching good chub to four pounds the winter was bad it just froze the line to the rod rings but we still caught good fish. i still kept in touch with dick and still sent his woodys wed chat on the phone at the time he was well into trout fishing the season came to the end could not wait for june 16th so we turned our attentions to eals did we do well catching them to 6 pound 8oz thats when im hooked my first carp in betton on lob a big fish wich was lost at the net it was then back to m the bream but thats another story
In reply to Post #130 the phone went hello pete it was dick again you do a bit of shooting dont you yes mate any chance you can send me some wood pigeon what , how many about four a month put them in the post, i kid you not so of down the woods shot four sent them in a shoe box . i dont know to this day if they were eating or fly tying or for some one else, as i said to martin ford in my letter in carp world about fishing with greats i often wander what they were like when they reached the other end but dick never anything so i presume they were ok. life went on we were still catching, in 1973 we the three countys group fished for a week with angling times on colmere the editor at the time was pete collins if i rember also pete taylor and a few more big names came it was a dead loss we only caught two fish all week not big but it made a story . another was arranged for october in the mean time graham and myself took the lease on berrington pool shropshire known to contain some very big bream and roach. it was known to the local lads as heart break pool mega hard .istill kept in touch with dick on the phone or traveling down to see him with kieth wilkinson he always showed intrest in what we were doing . well dennis kelly graham myself started fishing berrington saw plenty of fish caught good roach but the bream kept eluding us. until one day i took a afternoon of work went home got my rods and bait and was of. arriving at the pool i set up then found id left my ground bait at home with two loaves of bread i mixed one with soil of the bank out it went bread flake on the hook and sat back well bingo up went the bobbin by this time the fish were rolling all over the swim i took four fish in half an hour 9pounds 12oz 8 pounds eight oz 7pounds 12 oz and one of 7 pounds then realized id left my camera at home. ringing graham and dennis when i got home they were as exited as me id cracked that pool or had i its all down in angling times if you can find in ther old records. i was on holiday the next week with the family, so it was a week before i could fish the water again. getting back i was to learn dennis and graham had caught some good fish to eight pounds. we lived and breathed bream fishing it was our life i said to graham bloody hell weve got bream fever it was about that time dennis rang pete angling times want a session wiyh jack hilton and bill quinlon jack wants to try bream fishing can we use our pool no problem so it was arranged to fish for a week in the company of two more of my heros it was getting better all the time my head was in the clouds. i baited four swims three times a week until the day arrived graham and i arrived at mid day to find the great men already there don bridgewood was the reporter and took all photos what a week we caught bream to nearly 10 pounds jack and bill could not believe how they fought on light tackle. its the first time id seen a bivie jack had made two out of black polythene well all good things come to an end we said good bye on the friday night. it was no long after jack packed fishing up for his religious convictions this i could not believe after all the jokes he told us. to be continued
In reply to Post #126 Excellent read Pete, you really should consider writing an article, It would be a shame if as many stories as possible of the great Dick Walker were not laid down in type for all to enjoy. I for one would consider it a honour to help you in this.
In reply to Post #130 i bet that fish gave you a good scrap didnt it, its shaped like a torpedo
nice fish
Another bit of Old School tonight...
Exactly 14lb on a MkIV with 4 1/2" Aerial Match Centrepin...

OK... I'm now going to read the latest parts of Pete's Richard Walker story...
Ahhhh.... this is so much better than chasing banned users all day!
In reply to Post #126 Looking forward to it Pete.
In reply to Post #125 lot more to come tomorrow getting a bit tired now
In reply to Post #119 Wonderful stories of your memories Pete. Top reading ,Thanks for sharing them with us
In reply to Post #123 If you need any help Pete just shout, I'll bet there are more than a few on the forum who would be privileged to help get your stories down for posterity
In reply to Post #122 will look forward to it pete
In reply to Post #121 i was asked to write a book but not sure if i could not to good at writing bill wants me to put a write up in the story section going on holls next week so it will have to be latter will continue story tomorrow
In reply to Post #120 wont you consider doing that full length article pete?
or a full length book...
i dont mind
In reply to Post #119 Great read Pete, you never told me all this last time I saw you at Tudors, dark horse you are
In reply to Post #117 well here we go again i met up with this young lad at acton burnel lakes has it happend it was keith wilkinsons son i took float rods with us, but had no need dick suplied the lot what generosity two hardy float rods mitchel reels all the floats he could ask for weights plus line loaded on reels. we got started what a game he had no coordination between his arm and brain it took graham and myself all day to get him casting we aranged to meet the following week we took him to shomere hoping he would catch a few i worried all week. i should not of shown concern he caught from the start roach rudd and small skimers his dad was over the moon and so was dick when he rang to thank myself and graham the lad never looked back. it was heady days i just could not stop catching. and started to win many awards for my captures from angling times and mail also news of the world dick would ring and kept encouraging me, he introduced me to the heron bite indicator , using that i caught one of my biggest bream 10 pounds 120z it won a great award with angling times a week in denmark fishing the guden dick rang and wished me well . we got of the bus and was met by the great billie lane who was with us all week also preasent was benny ashurst and son keven ivan marks all were in practice for the world championship , i had the time of my life catching big roach and bream the locals used to come down and try buy the fish to eat what a time i had brill fishing and good company but was glad to get home one more week of that i think would of seen me of enought said it was not long when i heard from dick again but thats another story
In reply to Post #117 bill got to go out now do some more latter