In reply to Post #1 Great thread i like the card idea gonna make myself some a friend of a friend 5 years ago on a 3 week fishing holiday in France unknowingly caught this terrible disease and sadly by the time it was realised it was too late he died
In reply to Post #134 we studied it in biology at school as im doing TRIPLE science . pretty nasty, glad you all ok ken
In reply to Post #133 Well I went to the drop in centre, got 7 days worth of antibiotics, and I need to book an appointment with my gp to get a blood test done, it is highly unlikely but I am defiantly in the at risk category. So much better safe than sorry.
Next purchase will be a first aid kit and some hand gel.
Ohh and a 22" rifle!
:edit: It would definatly be beneficial to stickie this thread in my opinion.
In reply to Post #132 follow the advice go too a&e,i wouldnt be waiting for a fone call from dodgy direct.
In reply to Post #130 I hate rat's! just rang nhs direct to find my nearest drop in centre, they are ringing me back in in an hour or so and i'm pressuming they will advise me further then. Whatever happens i will make sure i get some antibiotics tnite.
god dame vermin!
| mal | Posts: 8986 |  | |
i agree on both counts - go to A and E asap, and well done ken on bringing this back to attention.
In reply to Post #127 not worth the risk get to the AE asap
In reply to Post #127 Drop what youre doing and go to hospital now!.It really isnt worth the wait until monday,please act now .
In reply to Post #127 Call a emergency doctor or go to the hospital.
In reply to Post #126 An old thread I know but after just reading through it I'm quite frankly poo'ing myself!
I went fishing midweek this week, in the middle of the night I was woken by a run, to my surprise it was a pike (17lb or so) that was trailing a trace from its mouth.
When I got the fish on the mat I retrived what was left of my rig and noticed the trace sticking out of its mouth, I didn't know it was a steel trace at the time so I grabbed hold of it wrapped it round my hand to hold it still then the pike went ballistic flipping all over the place managed to get it under control get the trace out of its mouth and returned it. It was then that I realised that the steel trace had given me a nasty gash on my finger! anyway disinfected the cut with Clinique (didn't have any plasters) and thought no more of it.
This morning I started to feel a bit ruff, weak, tierd and my legs and lower back started to ache, its gradually got worse and now it’s quite annoying!
I know it’s a case of overinflating my paranoia by self diagnosing; a head ache becomes a brain tumour when you look it up on-line e.t.c. I'm quite concerned that I have may have this horrible weil’s thingy, everything I can think of points towards it, I don't know/haven’t been in contact with anybody with a cold/flu and there were rats everywhere at the place I was fishing.
I don't fancy sitting in casualty and obviously I will have to wait till Monday to get an appointment with my g.p. I fear I may be better being safe rather than sorry and going to somewhere and explaining my situation and getting a blood test and antibiotics. Don’t want to end up.
In reply to Post #125 cheers will have a look in a bit.
In reply to Post #124 You can buy it from "Complete Feet" on line or phone 0800 6335199 and it is £2.95 for 150 ml. (or it was last time I checked) hope that helps.
In reply to Post #123 i will keep an eye out for it. or beg at the gp's.
In reply to Post #120 hand cleaning gel here i come
Try to get hold of the industrial strength versions, the ones they use in hospitals, dental surgeries etc. The supermarket versions are nothing like as efffective. The Desderman gel is as good as it gets!
In reply to Post #121 After reading this thread, people would be stupid to ignore your advice
As I said in the initial post, people always this it will never happen to them...Think again!
It is an awful disease and I have not fully recovered more than three years later, as my liver has been permanantly affected. It's grim so be aware.