Can I just remind you all, now that more of us are getting out and about, to be very careful where rats are present. Their urine carries a bacteria that leads to leptospirosis and then Weil's Disease, which can be fatal. I am sure you have all read the warnings and horror stories and you all say "this will never happen to me." Well so did I...BUT I was wrong.
EDIT: Just noticed that this thread is still trying to post an old Photobucket link. To update it here are a couple of pix that may serve as a sombre warning.
11th Feb 2005

If you want to spend weeks eating hospital food, all the time not knowing if you'll be coming out in a box, well don't bother taking precautions. However, let this photo tell it's own story. This is what I looked like the day they let me out of hospital. Talk about dead man walking!
30th March 2005

Catching Weils is a quick and easy way to loose weight...I lost 18kg in ten days!
In reply to Post #1213 This is spot-on. Guys'n Gals: Listen to Mitch! He knows what he is talking about.
In reply to Post #1211 I have worked in pest control for over 30 years, I can assure you it comes from rats, not birds.
It is passed on through rat urine in the water, but just touching your skin isn't a huge risk, only if you have a cut and the water seeps into the cut. Best not to wash your hands in the lake water if you have a cut on your hand, probably shouldn't wash your hands in the water anyway, but I am guilty of doing that. Work mate caught this and was seriously ill.
In reply to Post #1211 I know that watching this sad trend of chucking buckets of lake water over people with a PB makes me wince .
How not to treat a mate eh .
Idiots obviously have no brains regarding Weils 😡😡😡
In reply to Post #1210 I heard it’s more likely to come from bird life but I’m no expert. Would be good to know the truth
No truth in this.
In reply to Post #1208 I heard it’s more likely to come from bird life but I’m no expert. Would be good to know the truth
In reply to Post #1208 Some people think I’m being over the top worrying about this concern. What’s the best way we can avoid this? Sorry to hear about your encounter with it
In reply to Post #1205 Rat hole on the corner of E
Brings back a few memories from the 80's
Many thanks for the reminder Ken seeing the difference between the 2 photos of you is unbelievable it looks like 2 different people.
Be careful everyone
In reply to Post #1 Bump...For info purposes.
In reply to Post #1204 They say your never more than a few yards away from a rat,I remember fishing a particular swim at WVL in the distant past, called the "rat hole" it certainly lived up to its name, nobody would fish it, it was infested, they would chew through buckets, bags, even ate the cork from the rods if they could reach them,even the landing net wasn't safe, they would eat the mesh if you landed a fish in it. at that time I had many traps and I would set them all around the swim, one night I had 18 in quick succession, but they quickly learn to wait for a young inexperienced rat to spring the trap then steal the bait, if you leave it in the trap they will eat the dead one too.
I used to keep everything edible in the truck parked nearby.
I cringe when I see owners letting their dogs lick their faces, and most people who know me would strongly advise throwing a bucket of water over me would be unwise!
my old grandfather would say "a rat will sit on 10 stone of corn, eat an ounce, and pi$$ over the rest". we would surround rows of straw and wack them with sticks sometimes back then you might get 50 or more.
In reply to Post #1203 Must make you cringe Ken when you see people throwing buckets of water over their mates head while holding a fish!
Indeed it does, mate!
In reply to Post #1202 Must make you cringe Ken when you see people throwing buckets of water over their mates head while holding a fish! I know it does me.
One cut or graze and that's it - not a clever thing to do
In reply to Post #1 Just posted photos that are hosted by a decent host...NOT Photo****it!
Ok being an ignorance is bliss angler until I read this yesterday (seen loads topping up kettles from lakes over the years but not me though as thought you had to drink lake water to get it WD, I thought I knew better) I must have ducked many bullets over the years, can you point me in the right direction? So when spodding I have always had two buckets, X1 for bait X1 with lake water for rinsing my hands in between casts yes I used antibacterial gel when finished but looks like I was kidding myself, I guess one quick dip in contaminated water and one unnoticed cut means you are in big trouble! So what is the solution? Can I boil lake water with a dedicated kettle for the job to kill WD for a rinse bucket or do I need to take more fresh water? The thought of this makes me feel ill