In reply to Post #95 Have Carp Scene got a website? Can't find one anywhere
In reply to Post #96 35kg of particle for £35 delivered!! From monster particle
Boiling your but off in your bivvy, try one of these.. VersionTECH. Hand Held Fan,Portable Handheld USB Rechargeable Fans with 3 Speeds,Battery Operated Electric Powered Mini Fan,Foldable Desk Desktop Fans for Home Office Ceiling Travel Ceiling Black https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07BT18FFP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_abI9Eb47F4MPH
rechargeable battery lasts 7 hours and works from a solar charger or power pack, by the way I am no way involved with this , I got one and it’s very good
In reply to Post #1 Carp scene are doing Greys aircurve’s at £395 for 3 shrink or cork handled, proper bargain just added another 3 to the collection.
In reply to Post #1 3 X Daiwa Emblem 35 SCW 5000 CQD for £275.98p delivered @ Bobco
If you like having a play on the float and want an awesome rod/reel combo then I can recommend this.
I bought this when it was nearly full price and its awesome. £64.99p a set posted @ Bobco.
In reply to Post #92
In reply to Post #91 here is a bargain Kampa Inflatable bivvy very cheap !! LINKY POO
In reply to Post #90 YEA we Know that but the point is you find a bargain you post a link to it
as it happens I have one of these I bought a 3 years ago and is a nice bit of kit
Or just google: BRANDIT windbreaker
Or check out eBay. Lots of new ones on there.
In reply to Post #88 Beckets camping shop online
In reply to Post #87 where from ?
BRANDIT windbreaker available in summer or winter versions.
Several colours available including DPM.
Got the summer version for skateboarding. Looks very well made. Plenty of pockets. 36 quid delivered.
Eclipse baits have started their black friday deals already. Its on popups, corkballs, liquids. Who doesnt collect popups
Eclipse baits deals
In reply to Post #83 If you are in the Leicestershire area, Ibstock Tackle are doing 10kg of Mainline frozen baits for £65. Collection from the shop only deal until Christmas.