In reply to Post #329 So do you use something buoyant whose name starts with an E or has there come some new stuff the last few years?
In reply to Post #328 Absolutely…….and they are very popular!
In reply to Post #327 Mozzi, I think you have completely misunderstood everything here. I’m not saying in any way cork is bad! We use cork, everyone uses cork in Wafters and cork balls etc. it’s a way of making things float! I’m a huge fan of food in my hookbaits via cork, or whatever means necessary as I rely heavily on hookbait attraction a lot of the time.
You refer to air ball mixes…….the air ball mixes you are thinking of are so old and obsolete that we have never used them. They are not buoyant enough to be combined with anything and still float.
Pop up technology has moved on and Pidge is the man behind it. What looks like your old air ball mix is now something made out of edible items. Fishmeal, Milks, glm, fruit palatants all can now be used but you are left with something very edible and attractive.
The fact we can make Hookbaits containing heavy hydros, is game changing but the biggest factor of all is that they are user friendly…….and……..you can add whatever liquids you want (if you so wish) which I think anglers really like (goo, minamino, sprays etc).
Some people won’t use corkballs, some hate air ball mixes, some can’t bring themselves to cast out a bottom bait!! I try to look at the overall picture and listen to what anglers want.
Making 12mm ultra buoyant pop ups is an art…….making them out of real food can only be done by a handful of people in the U.K.
A hookbait made out of fishmeal, liver, garlic etc will always catch loads of carp but let’s not forget that attraction comes from solids, liquids, essential oils, and other forms. Harnessing it all into a ball that’s easy to use is the tricky bit!
You all have to cast out what makes you confident.
In reply to Post #327 Gavin uses corkballs for “food bait” pop ups…….
In reply to Post #324 Well no.....specialised use cork and real food and there catch reports are stunning.
What I mean by attractors is the often dense, nutrient rich ingredients with levels of solubility to work properly.I'm not a huge believer in artificial flavours hence its more difficult to cram "real food" in.
I believe you work with mark and thus have struck gold as he did proper jobs mix, without him, its a different ball game.
My preference has always been super soluble pop ups, usuall paste around a corkball and meshed, you cannot get the same extraction of real food particles and signals from airball mixes, it would be immoral.
But as I alluded earlier it depends, I personally view bright pop ups as more of a lure
In reply to Post #325 I was trying to ask if people are happy to adjust pop ups. And if that is common practice? Most waters contain nuisance species, crayfish etc and having to drill out and open up the texture is a recipe for disaster. And drilling 12mm pop ups……..that is gonna be hard work with such a low diameter
In reply to Post #324 Then just make that point then rather than asking a question regarding what other bait companies are doing. Simply say your pop ups don't need added Cork as they are super buoyant. There are people like that like to turn a bottom bait into a pop up hence my answer. 📌
In reply to Post #319 The point I was making is people seem happy to take a pop up that isn’t buoyant, then add something else that is buoyant, to make it buoyant enough! Why not just make it buoyant in the first place!
If you want a hookbait to look like a bottom bait but with a tad of buoyancy, buy a wafter! I haven’t done anything to a hookbait to change its buoyancy in a decade!
One of the images I was referring to was a “name” telling people to drill out a 12mm pop up and cork it simply cos it wasn’t good enough to pick up his hinge stiff rig. My argument is that all that faff is a cop out! Consumer should be able to just take a bait from the pot and cast it out!
The reason that baitroom or proper job or specialised hookbaits and handcraft have done so well is because the hookbaits do exactly what they say.
And Mozzi……..drilling out a hookbait or having a low buoyancy…….I just don’t get it! Put edible items, liquids, attractors, additives in a pop up and make it pop up! Surely that’s it’s job!
In reply to Post #319 I think that Gav was asking if people were adding cork to shop bought pop ups, due to them being not very buoyant.
You are right though a man of his experience probably has added buoyancy to a bottom bait at some point.
In reply to Post #320 It depends really. I prefer a less buoyant pop up that I can cork, simply because it leaves more room for attractors. There is a commercial standard though
Managed a day sessions and an overnight session over Christmas first time out fishing over the Tricknut and Herb feed boilies, no monsters but managed five fish all doubles to 19.8
I had three on the Herb fishing a snowman, hard bottom bait with a 12mm pop-up and two on the Tricknut fishing a match the hatch wafter, could/should of been six as I had a massive drop back and ended up winding in a three foot long stick fish with the rig wrapped up in it.
In reply to Post #319 Or more likely pop ups that are **** for buoyancy and need cork to stay popped up more than 4hrs
In reply to Post #316 It's just a simple way to turn your bottom bait into a pop up or wafter. I would have thought a man with your experience would have had the same at some point
In reply to Post #317 It certainly does seem the case Matt.
I said in one of our films last summer that other brands have started to come to us to solve some of their issues with pop ups. Probably a good time to keep some of our secrets to ourselves 😂😂
Hope you are well!
In reply to Post #316 When I ran UB Baits the most common complaint from anglers was the standard of pop ups from almost all the big bait companies. So yeah, I am not surprised!!!
Pop ups that are really wafters, wafters that are pop ups no consistency whatsoever.
Good luck for 2022 all the best