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 New Posts  Handcraft hookbaits.
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Posts: 2550
   Old Thread  #371 9 Jan 2022 at 7.49am  2  Login    Register
In reply to Post #369
There seems to be general feeling that nut based boilies are good in winter but i personally have never found this to be completely accurate.My winter results have always been much better with fish/bird/milk boilies and it’s the winter when I do the majority of my angling. However any bait which is over applied at the time of the year when carp can take or leave food is going to end up sitting on the lakebed for the tufties!
Making a nut bait that works in the depths of winter, I focussed more on the other ingredients that I know will still be consumed in temps below 7/8 degrees. I have been impressed with the early catch reports on tricknut but if you follow us on social media you will see that Nutriplex is a consistent cold water producer.
Making a good winter bait is very difficult. I always used to revert to maggot fishing in winter but they are banned on many waters now which actually did me a favour. Like I said before I haven’t caught a carp on a maggot hookbait since 2016 and I’m at a place now where I’m so confident with the tactics in winter that I’m not sure if I will need to change it.
Minimum feed maximum attraction in winter
In Summer………..feed them and they will come 😂
Posts: 1900
   Old Thread  #370 9 Jan 2022 at 2.14am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #369
My personal opinion is apart from the crunch I don't think they notice it. but at 4 quid a sack its less of a ball ache to get crunch than egg shell, which considering a lot of uk eggs are dipped in a shell detergent, need to be washed and ideally oven dried to destroy the membrane also.

I think for enough coarse nut product to cause buoyancy issues you'd be looking at it not being able to be rolled. I've experimented and the upper limits can be quite high with certain nuts
Posts: 3522
   Old Thread  #369 8 Jan 2022 at 8.09pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #367
But do the carp like it?

Its like a lot of ingredients, we can go on about amino context, availability, etc,etc, but if the fish like eating it why wouldn’t you use it?
Posts: 5406
   Old Thread  #368 8 Jan 2022 at 7.54pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #367
Fat and oil content with nut baits pose many problems, various levels of nut product buoyancy from batch to batch, rolling issues due to nut pieces, and slowing up attractor leakage if too much in the end product.

But it is a learning curve and a compromise for all of us.
Many lines of thought are better than one

Posts: 1900
   Old Thread  #367 8 Jan 2022 at 4.36pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #363
And ironically probably the best nut bait ingredient of recent years is fluffy and with no lumps 😂

I get what you mean with the texture, and with the weight, this is one of my concerns with adding too much but, the buoyancy of the ingredient has a lot to do with the fat content which I’ve always tried to keep low in a bait, I’ve found if you go beyond 20% with these less used nut products ( although they’re used by a few companies ). Then it starts to lock the bait up, as well as dictates a very low fat content to any subsequent ingredients, I think you’ll get away with it more them being chunky though, the same volumes in a fine grind could cause havoc lol.

In response to people’s assumption about intestinal transit, many many “fine powders” as you’d see them are actually chock full of fibre, along with the chunky nature of the ingredients in this bait I just don’t think it would be necessary, it’s unique selling point as gaz has mentioned is weight, it can “settle down”. Some of the fussier mixes.

And lastly to the bloke who likes bread crumb, different kettle of fish in a bait. Yes pure bread crumb makes them go potty at times but not when locked up in a bait, it just makes said bait cheaper to roll as breadcrumb is about 11 quid a sack
Posts: 381
   Old Thread  #366 8 Jan 2022 at 1.36pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #360
I have long thought that there may be a secondary benefit of using oyster shell in baits, namely pH buffering of the bait. Unfortunately I don't know enough about the chemistry to be positive about this, or to explain it in a meaningful way. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Posts: 3289
   Old Thread  #365 8 Jan 2022 at 12.00pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #362
Nice to see someone asking questions and getting answers in a way that isn’t slagging each other off. See we do all get on with each other on here
Posts: 1568
   Old Thread  #364 8 Jan 2022 at 10.37am  1  Login    Register
For those of you who haven’t had the Tricknut bait in your hands yet, don’t judge too harshly or quickly on it’s possible negative aspects.

Having used numerous nut baits in the past, when I was lucky enough to get a pre-release sample (after hounding Gav for ages 🤣 the wait was worth it. It is light and shade in comparison to all the others I have tried, texture, smell, taste - it has it all and is what you imagine a nut bait SHOULD be like.

I know this is from a human perspective in all aspects and that people will always doubt what they haven’t yet witnessed personally, but see it and then form your own opinions.
Posts: 2550
   Old Thread  #363 8 Jan 2022 at 9.59am  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #361
It’s perfectly ok to say your piece mate that’s what the forum is for!
I’m sure we could pick the bones out of nearly all ingredients if we tried.
My perspective has always been that every ingredient must serve a purpose. One of my other Ingredients comes with pieces of crab, shell, and all sorts of weird and wonderful visible in it. Having fished and caught carp excreting big chunks of zebra mussels I am ok with a few coarse nuts and shell in the baits. Glad you liked the rest of it!! Very popular bait this year I think.
Posts: 5406
   Old Thread  #362 8 Jan 2022 at 9.45am  2  Login    Register
In reply to Post #361
Nice reply’s from both

Posts: 2009
   Old Thread  #361 8 Jan 2022 at 9.40am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #360
In respect of your nut bait which really peaked my interest as I love a nut based bait and your list of ingredients like brazil's etc seems like the one. I'd say the same of Willmott's bait, I think shell is an unnecessary ingredient and wouldn't and will not buy Willmott's bait because of it.

Just so we're clear, I'm in no way having a sly dig in any regard. I respect what you're doing and I'm in no way trying to undermine anything that you're doing, and I mean that in all sincerity.

Yeah, you're correct, your bait is for fish and not for people, that aside, from my very own perspective, I'm of the opinion that I'd rather have breadcrumb - which carp love - over shell anyday. It certainly could be argued that shell adds to a fish's needs in some way, which may or not be true, be that as it may, I'd possite that if you fished with a bait without shell and with good ingredients, there would be hardly any noticeable, or if any differences in catch rates or negative effects on carp that are eating the bait.

I hope it comes across that in respect to shell, these are my own personal preferences and not aimed in any way, shape or form to discredit anyone - notice I added Willmott in as he's highly regarded and well respected.
Posts: 2550
   Old Thread  #360 8 Jan 2022 at 8.04am  3  Login    Register
In reply to Post #359
It’s very simple…..Brazil, cashews, coconut and other ingredients in that bait are very light, so it’s in there to add weight. Also, let’s remember on a daily basis carp eat zebra mussels, snails, tiger nuts, pea mussels and god know what else that is hard and crunchy!
Your average nut bait is a smooth pale base of soy semo bread maize with the odd bit of tiger nut flour and I wanted tricknut to be as far away from those baits as possible. You can see that from the outside. Never once did I think that it might offend a human who wanted to eat the boilie…….I just thought about what a carp might want
There is shell in the herb and look what that bait has done in 6 months!
Nothing in any of my baits is just thrown in for no reason. Tricknut is a coarse blend of real human grade nuts, milks, birdfood, peanut proteins and vitamins. There is also a few elements to it that I know is very different to 99 percent of nut baits out there but I want to keep that under my hat for now. I simply won’t copy another scopex maple cream cheap bait.
Tricknut could have been the first bait I launched but it’s taken the longest to find the bits I needed. If you don’t like the feel of a nut boilie in your mouth well I’m sorry but I was more thinking about what the carp like to chew on! Personally it tastes and feels perfect to me

Posts: 5406
   Old Thread  #359 8 Jan 2022 at 0.33am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #357
Oyster shell grit is probably in there, along with other ingredients to add a bit of heavy fibre, help the bait to be easy to crush and break up by the carps teeth on the way through.

For absorption in the digestive tract I would have thought that something finer, like limestone flour would be better as a calcium supplement.

Posts: 2020
   Old Thread  #358 7 Jan 2022 at 11.06pm  0  Login    Register
Gavs one to put a lot of time and effort in a bait and I don’t think for one minute it’s just in there for the sake of it. If it’s of no benefit to the carp or to help stop the bait float it wouldn’t be in there I'm sure.
Posts: 4484
   Old Thread  #357 7 Jan 2022 at 9.56pm  1  Login    Register
In reply to Post #353
Some people believe it adds to the calcium content of the bait, however given the gut transit time of carp I think this is dubious at best. It adds weight to a boiled bait which may be of benefit in some circumstances, I.e . using a throwing stick or in flowing water.. Some people believe carp are attracted by the crunching sound it creates when carp eat as in when they are feeding upon snails. I think this is the most likely and only reason for putting it in. However I think leaving the eggshell in would probably have the same effect. Which many bait makers do. On the other hand it does make life easier and you don't then have to dispose of the eggshells. So I suppose it depends which theory you adhere to.
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