In reply to Post #499 Today……phew I’m glad it’s over!
Herb…….it has such a cult following now and grows everyday. So glad you like it mate and I know it’s a special one judging by what I see and hear. When I started handcraft I was worried that some of our ideas and inventions would never come to light but clearly they are the ones that people love. I don’t know how many sting, squid or herb products went out of the door today but it was a lot! Always a good sign when you catch carp on a matching hookbaits wether it’s a hard hooker or Wafters etc!
Now it’s time for some dinner and a well earned pint!!
In reply to Post #495 Had two at the weekend just gone in the cold northerlies, Herb hard hooker with Dark sting pop-up fished on a snowman just keeps them coming for me, cast with either a Herb five bait stringer or five crushed in a PVA mesh bag, quick dip in the Herb Primer and voila, DEEP-C in brown sounds the one.
In reply to Post #497 Will be an order for the new pop ups from me and Phil very soon
In reply to Post #496 Glad they are serving you well!
They have kept us busy this year, we are working 6 days a week to keep up with it all but trust me, we are so pleased with the outcome. There is a lot of really nice feedback around the whole brand and the boilies are impossible to keep in stock. This week I have finally caught up on freezer baits (it won’t last) but the shelf life’s are all getting real low again so I’m back in at 6 tomorrow. Busy busy! Some crackers caught this week on sting, squid and the deep c
In reply to Post #495 Will take a look. Haven't sent you it but the scaly in the March catch report was on a 12mm banoffee pop up. Also lost one on a sting wafter in the same session. Got so much confidence in your hookbaits now, can finally stop buying everything I see on offer and focus on fewer, quality hookbaits I trust
In reply to Post #491 Evening lads
Just to let you all know that the new pop ups went on sale this weekend and the booster shots have gone up too. Thanks for the pms and queries
Some mega catch reports gone up in the last week and we are full bore now. I will drop in from time to time and post some of the recent carp when I get ten minutes. I’m gonna get out and chase another large common this week if things go well!
In reply to Post #490 Go from bait to bots and block them off
In reply to Post #489 youve missed nothing, cause ive deleted it all...and i will continue to do so.
your thread, any other bait "debates" from outside of your thread will be deleted.
Roll on summer, when you lots all go fishing
In reply to Post #487 Not sure what I have missed here 😂
Just opened the forum to more personal messages from Mozzi, which I have Ignored again
I’m a little bit bored of all the nonsense so I’m gonna be taking a bit of a break from here. We are very busy and have been since January so if you need to get hold of me then contact us personally at work. I will reply to you guys who have been asking me questions and let’s hope we come back at a different time.
Once last thing
Mods…….constant pms and hounding people (I have seen the messages) is not on in my eyes. Repeatedly attacking other brands also not on! Yet you let this go on.
Spring is here boys and the carp are coming out en masse! Check out our socials for a crazy amount of big carp being caught.
In reply to Post #486 Apologies for my part mate but I won’t have it.
In reply to Post #484 Yet another bait thread ive had to tidy up
In reply to Post #467 When are the booster flavours due out?
Gonna place an order but want to get everything in one hit
In reply to Post #479 Mozzi this is getting tiresome now. This is a Handcraft Baits thread, not a Mozzi dissect Gavs business thread. If you want to know the ins and outs speak directly to Gav. For me it is really bad form for you to keep questioning another persons business on an open forum.
In reply to Post #476 Like everything it will be going up a bit in the next few weeks as we are getting hammered on all ingredients, packaging at the moment.
In reply to Post #476 I'm getting them blank and pimping them myself but they are great quality