In reply to Post #660 I’m afraid that the majority will be looking for cheap bait at the moment. Of course they will. Most of the anglers that I know who use large quantities are not exactly awash with cash even at the best of times.
Most of the pellets available now are rubbish cereal/soya based crap, it’s no wonder many are using particle.
In reply to Post #660 Absolutely and we know Mike and his products are worth every penny!
I use Essential Baits B5 and that’s £9.85 a kilo buying 10 kilos at a time. So sensible anglers will realise after location bait is the thing that matters. Not the latest high end rods and reels.
Thats where the transparency of cost thing comes into it. by actually listing tangible ingredients people can look up the cost and see its a valid price increase. its the unscrupulosu who put " high end milks" and are actually meanng high end budget stuff, or low quality versions of high end stuff.
Yeah pellets are the latest thing, everything is going up I know of three products that have been the same price the last 24 months lol
Keep the quality, if people don't want ot pay let them leave. have confidence your quality will bring them back.
In reply to Post #635 All though I don’t use your bait don’t be put off over some idiots on social media, £8 a kilo is not a lot of money that is still pretty reasonable in my eyes. Real anglers won’t care problem you have now is so many new anglers just want cheap **** bait that is being knocked up in a shed somewhere for next to nothing and don’t care about the quality, the people who do won’t be going anywhere
As said already most of us sit behind a lot of moneys worth of gear what’s a extra couple pound on bait?
In reply to Post #656 Premium products sell,
In reply to Post #655 You make a premium product that works. Don't be afraid to charge a premium price. Most anglers are sitting behind a couple of grand's worth of kit these days, a tenner a kilo for bait won't put the anglers that value quality off at all.
In reply to Post #653 I have been in quite a few factories over the last decade and the one thing you don’t see is high quality products! There are exceptions of course and they will be companies who ride out this storm.
In reply to Post #652 Too true mate
In reply to Post #652 I'm sure the costs have been kept down by reducing the quality for years. We have reached a point where reducing the quality is no longer viable. Bite the bullet and buy quality bait even if it's expensive. Better to use less of higher quality. Unless you're fishing a mud hole stuffed eith starving fish. Why would you even want to?
In reply to Post #651 Too be honest mate, anglers have had it all too easy for many years now, its the smaller bait producer i feel for
In reply to Post #650 I guess that’s what we will do then.
Just ordered another ton of pellets and all of them have gone up a fiver per sack!
I’m gonna sit down and do all the pricing again this weekend. Tough times for us anglers right now
In reply to Post #644 Keep the quality Gav. If the price goes up it goes up. For me, and lots of others the quality of ingredients list is paramount. Use the best you can but bait smart. Quality will always outscore quantity in the long run😎
In reply to Post #644 its madness, the whole ingredient/food trade has gone completely bonkers.
think anglers will still buy, but as you say, in lower amounts and source cheap particles etc to bulk it out.
i wouldnt hesitate in taking 100kg of boillies to France, i wont this yr
In reply to Post #644 As others have said I say keep the quality even if it increases the price. We're all feeling the price increases with fuel prices and other factors driving everything to silly levels.
Re boilies I suspect most of your customer use Handcraft for the quality, rather than cheap pricing, because we want the best, not the cheapest.
I personally bait lightly anyway. If everyone did this the fish would likely drop a bit of weight, but who's to say that isn't good for them in the long run?
Also less rotting/wasted bait means cleaner water, more oxygen etc. So lots of benefits I think.
Mind you I'm only one customer. You may want to survey your customer base to see what's viable, as it's a business you have to sustain, after all.
Fingers crossed for you. I., for one, sincerely hope you can remain supplying the excellent baits you do.