Having a lot of building work done at the moment. When they turned up, main builder, two apprentices and some doddering old bloke.
I thought he would be doing the cement mixing, sweeping up and odd jobs. How wrong was I. He was the carpenter and he is an absolute legend. 73 years old and a true old school tradesman. His skills are second to non and as well as the woodwork he does all the marking out for roofing, steps etc etc. The builder dreads when he finally retires as he has got used to him doing all the difficult marking out.
He measures everything correctly, always thinking forward to make the most use of the materials so there isn’t huge piles of off cuts. What there is 90% of it we can burn on the fire without cutting. He also spent 25 years fitting kitchens at one stage to get off the building sites but eventually returned. As he says - carpenters can fit kitchens but not all kitchen fitters can do carpentry. Also trained in leadwork as the old carpenters were.
I took a while to work out the Velux windows in your pic, until it dawned on me the direction of the pitch Jeez…for real!
In reply to Post #14 Last visit was after steels, should have set alarm bells off at that stage when you see the brickwork above, I expect he's trying to find a way to cover his arse.
Started the utility room today which has the underside of the stairs.
He tried so hard
Pics tomorrow
Sat in the garden drinking my coffee and scratching my head earlier and noticed the only bit of undisturbed ground in the garden is about 6 meters from the extension and 2 meters from either fence, right where you should find.....
Answers on a postcard
No bco visiting the site ?
In reply to Post #12 I forget the exact name tbh, and they may even be trade only. They were called opti colour then changed names when they started doing other materials.
The only reason I do them myself is because mistakes cost me time and money whether I make them or others do.
I also use vale glass in notting Hill a fair bit.
Your only as good as your last job and most companies end up on the **** list eventually until there next on the list
In reply to Post #11 Thanks I'll take a look.
I've just edited my last post by the way.
Is it Optidek?
Are they supply only?
In reply to Post #10 Sorry Bob, bespoke glass design, based in malden
I can't even find opti deck
In reply to Post #9 Seems to me there's a lot of chancers out there.
Go on social media, ask for a recommendation and all sorts of people claim they can do it. I would guess many of them have no skills at all.
Good tradesmen are often too busy to answer.
BTW I'm having trouble finding Bespoke glass and Opti deck. Where are the based?
I need 4 pieces of glass all with cut outs for sockets, so it needs to be accurate, probably best if I get a company to come and template, supply and fix.
In reply to Post #8 The same bloke who dot and dabs walls with pink plasterboard and clads steels in standard boards
And also can't figure out how to fit legs on carcasses
and uses 200mm screws to hang cabinets yet they were all falling off the walls
Who in their right minds fit Velux windows horizontally unless its in the new eco friendly rain shower room
As well as the soldiers above the window well on the piss I think the guy who laid them was in a worse state.
In reply to Post #6 Bespoke glass
Opti deck
I've used both and found them good, typically I get them made by a local glazer and fit them myself
I'm regretting taking it on, really it needs a complete new kitchen where the last lot wrecked it
In reply to Post #4 £350K
They won't mind an extra few £k for your bill then
I'm doing my kitchen at the moment. Over the years I've done two in my own house before but this one is just one problem after another after another. Still, nearly done now just waiting for a company to template my work surfaces
Then I think we will probably go for glass splashbacks. Do you know any companies that supply and fit glass splashbacks at a reasonable price?
In reply to Post #4 350k
The scary bit, those who have done it may think they have done a good job
Good luck
In reply to Post #3 The guy who's trying to put it right talked me into sorting the kitchen out.
It's incredible just how badly that was done.
The scariest thing about this job tho, the owner has payed something like £350k for the work so far, and it really wants gutting
In reply to Post #1 How comes you are this place, are you there to sort it out?
Finally, someone sorting Tazi out