SYNDICATE, everyone's equal, not for profit, quality fish, work parties required.
PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB, owned by individual or Individuals, run as break even or profit. Work parties shouldn't be entertained as this is a business, why should you supply free labour to subsidise someone's business/lifestyle (if u do ur a mug) high quality fish at the right money.
DAY TICKET, scrapes filled with mud pigs to rip the ass out of the newcomers and those that can't afford or their suspect social media posts rules them out of both the above.
Breakfast and dinner available at a price and you can have that ****ty van or 10 year old BMW parked behind your Coking Farm YouTube bull**** Parker Baits ***** 👍
Little Chef Fisheries
In reply to Post #27 A true syndicate is where each member buys a share in the lake, and owns that share until they decide to sell it.
I know of only one true syndicate lake, and you need to be working for His Majesty to join it.
The dictionary definition states "a group of individuals or organizations combined to promote a common interest"
Well, to me thats a club lake. "Syndicates" to me are only syndicates by name. You still have zero input unless you join a club committee. Syndicates are just names to give somewhere a bit of aura about it. Anyone who opens a "syndicate" lake with fish under 25lb would be laughed at, unless every single carp came directly from Heather the Leathers fanny, and every single one was a linear, and the ****ter was at least 5 metres square with a hot tap in situ.
I joined a "syndi" last year. Saw one bailiff in all that time, and the fella didn't even fish there himself. Had zero soul compared to some of the public park lakes i've fished over the years.
Just seems like the uk is in a race to the bottom where everything is price led
And then people moan about how crap something is when it breaks..
No one is allowed to make a living to pay taxes or employ people.
Without profit there is no jobs and then where we all be..
In reply to Post #23 With regards to prices going up as the fish get bigger; I can to a point understand this. If you start out with relatively small fish you basically have to run a loss each year, because most people wouldn't pay much to fish for the small fish, no matter how nice the surroundings are. As the fish grow prices can rise, hopefully to the point where you're not making a loss and maybe even start to cover all the previous losses.
What I've done is keep the price lower for those who have been members through the years when the stock was slowing growing and put the price up for new members. This year there will be members paying three different amounts for the same ticket. Just showing a bit of appreciation for those who have continued to join and watch the Pool develop with me.
One other thing to think of.
I'm lucky that I bought my place outright, but most people who run waters are paying a lease, and trust me, farmers and landowners in general aren't slow to see an opportunity to put the lease up.
In reply to Post #30 Could you smell fish too
In reply to Post #29 Been to a few too, saw fish nets but no fish.
In reply to Post #28 I’ve been to a private members club one and there was absolutely no fishing going on 😂
In reply to Post #27 They're Private Members Club's.
A true syndicate is not run for profit. Which brings into question just how many of these venues can even claim to offer such angling. Limited members pay lake seems far more accurate.
In reply to Post #25 On one of the lakes I fish we had a disease which wiped out nearly 400 carp in the lake. Luckily they had a stock pond with fish already. So they restocked the lake then put prices up by 30% due to restocking the lake when it was pointed out they had already brought the fish prior to wipe out they claimed it was for something else. Like quite a few people have said people are in fishery management different things
In reply to Post #23
In 2021 I joined a lake that I had been waiting for years to join (10+) it was very expensive (with the joining fee for the first year) - The stock was fantastic.
All the fish died before I could wet a line, complete oxygen crash, nothing survived.
Gutting for me, but more gutting for the people who ran it. I could see how gut wrenching it was for them. So nobody asked for their money back and we all helped with work parties etc and they spent a lot of money doing a lot of work to the lake (drained etc) and I think it was just over a year before they opened the lake again. They didn't put the price up by much at all, I guess as a bit of thank you to the members and likewise I think only 2 or 3 members dropped off. Decent people
In reply to Post #21 They haven't stocked the lake since 2017 so what you are saying doesn't quite add up in this example but I get what you are saying.
Yes, the stock have gained weight, but no new stockings have been made.
It is the same with a lot things these days, some firms jumped on the bandwagon and have increased prices of raw materials when in fact the cost to them has not increased by nearly that much. Some syndicates are run very well and some are investing a lot of money each year but others aren't (Can't/Won't) yet they still increase their prices each year.
I just think no I'm not paying that... I can't justify it. It's not like it has hardly any members and it offers the tranquillity I'm after.
In reply to Post #14 Brilliant post and so much (regards member number) I had never considered.
I am lucky to have both options, a brilliant but now hard to get into club, that is diligently run by committee and has enough waters for a decades fishing - I really enjoy it but it does bring out the snob in me. Cheaper waters IMO mean more litter, more anti social behaviour and the like - I get it, everyone needs these type of clubs to keep the sport going.
My syndicates (!) I love because the anglers are better, more respectful and generally quieter with better surroundings / security. My only comment, is the rise of the ‘pay for fish weights’ that seems to be very common now. Years ago if the fee was £500 and there was a good stock then membership was consistent and few dropped out, as soon as these places now get a bigger fish (existing stock) there is a temptation to double the fee as there is now x and y in there - this grates me. A stable low churn syndicate creates a loyal and respectful environment- you double the fees you get the sponsored bounty hunters that want to empty it in a month and move on - it may work short term, but what if you have a kill, there is no loyal base left to stand by you and help work through the devastating impact.
Sensible fees that provide a return I love, ones where only a few members drop out per year and not because Gutsy was the only fifty and that’s now dead .
Euroaqua, RH and the like obviously have a place and are far smarter than me, but it’s my worst nightmare, paying inflated prices for the chance of a bloated pig to get a bait deal.
All I will say is if you want good loyal members that aren’t going to tear the arse out of you piece of heaven, vet well and price long term stability rather than short term greed.
In reply to Post #13 The lake I was referring to has no facilities at all.
If you are on a Syndicate prices change with up keep and Stockings!! Guess you question in your own mind is it worth it?
Unfortunately for those that moan and say they won't pay it...theres a list of guys on the waiting list to take your place so weigh it up