In reply to Post #34 Same.... it might be fine in the summer with a softer mix.
When you are working in the garage in the winter, its a stiffer mix, its cold and you are trying to do some 8mm baits - there's a decent amount of pressure in that barrel. Those eletric guns are meant to put out some decent force and you can hear them struggling in the above situation. Metal barrel all the way.
Spend a bit more on the UK ebay ones - in the long term you'll be thankful (at its still 3-4 times cheaper than a dewalt/makita).
In reply to Post #32 Personally I wouldn't trust a plastic barrel but it's your choice
Hopefully it's better quality than some, the plastic can 'give' and the mix gets behind the plunger.
In reply to Post #28 I did the same with my old solar 4 way nozzle.
Four sausages stuck together but three rolled apart and fell side by side with no grief.
In reply to Post #31 Yeah I just spotted the delivery charge 😭
I have the DeWalt batteries so thought it would be perfect.
In reply to Post #29 £25.79 for the gun (without battery) but it takes DeWalt batteries...
£26.49 delivery charge :(
Thanks for the feedback
I'm caught in 2 minds, get rid of my rolling gear or buy one of these guns next time.
I've got the 5Mix multi head, so my thoughts were if it's slow with one nozzle it'd be mega slow with a multi nozzle head like mine
Anyone given one off AliExpress a try?
In reply to Post #27 Back in my bait making days I used the Solar 4 head nozzle but always blanked off one nozzle. I found with 4 I couldn't stop the sausages sticking together, 3 was much easier.
In reply to Post #25 Obviously depends on nozzle size and stiffness of mix,
I’m soon going try my 4 nozzle head for 12 & 10 millers as they are a bit slow with a single nozzle.
I’ve extruded 14mm through single nozzle with a softish mix and had to turn the speed down
In reply to Post #25 There's a speed knob on the orange ebay ones - i can"t give you a cm per second number but it goes from painfully slow to not quite fast enough to not be able to snip or cut a sausage and keep going - if that makes snwae
The top speed is still way better than gunning out by hand.
In reply to Post #24 It'd be a nightmare, don't even think about it unless you were to mount it horizontally and use some form of clamo to push it.
I've asked this before but can't remember getting a answer. What speed/rate do the battery caulk guns protrude the sausage at? I seem to remember seeing 8mm/sec and thinking caulk is a lot softer than the boilie mixes I've used, especially if you knock a few 2kg mixes up at once and they're 'resting' whole you're extruding.
In reply to Post #23 I thought so but worth double-checking 👍
In reply to Post #22 Unless you are making 40mm boilies I think that will struggle to push the dough out! You need some mechanical advantage (lever) to push boilie dough out this is meant for sloppy mortar mix
Has anyone used something like this?

From eBay:
In reply to Post #20 Thanks mate, yeah as you say you are nose blind to it all
I didn’t mind the smell as it was a proper maple flavour smell which is one of my favourites.
It was only when my missus came home there was a problem, she’s very sensitive to smells, she won’t go into shops if they have incense sticks burning as it affects her throat, anyways she comes in and wonders what the smell was. It was pretty strong considering it was just a little Jiffy bag 😂
I can remember years ago Tony from Premier telling me one of the lads dropped a litre glass bottle of injun oil, which obviously smashed, took a very long while for the smell to subside 😂😂