When will the 12mm yellow stings be back in stock?
I'll be ordering 22mm boilies instead of 16mm so being bigger I'll get more for my money.
In reply to Post #738 The missus maybe but the dogs loyal 😂
In reply to Post #739 obviously
In reply to Post #738 Yep told my lot to buy a large sack of spuds in November to keep them going this winter 😂
In reply to Post #736 Stuff that. The missus and dog can be on reduced rations
In reply to Post #734 Tough times coming for all of us
We are already making steps to make sure we can get through the 3 months of winter.
Might have to do reduced days of opening
Some products will have to go
We said this last winter though and it ended up being much busier than I thought! But we are aware that many of our customers will be more worried about feeding the family than buying 40k of herb!
| Cam | Posts: 6471 |  | MODERATOR | |
Lets try and keep this to Handcraft Hookbaits rather than political bull-shine please gents.
In reply to Post #732 Went from 125 to 330 for gas&electricity in belgium in less rhan a year... Must be french aswell lol
In reply to Post #732 That's because the French Government are capping the prices, whereas ours is not.
In reply to Post #731 Are all these rocketing price rises global or are we bearing the brunt of it ? Only reason I ask is that I heard on the radio EDF which supply electricity to millions of UK homes is 85% French government owned and at the next price increase will have raised prices to UK consumers by 104% over the last year while French consumers have only had 5% increase over the same period.
In reply to Post #730 Also about to rocket in price.
Ever fee you’re being defecated in from a great height :(
In reply to Post #729 Great news mate! Good luck with the stuff, I rate that as one of the best liquids in the market.
In reply to Post #726 Placed an order with you for some Calanus yesterday. Received this morning less than 24 hours later. Top man. 👍
In reply to Post #727 Visual shopping, three bags of flavoured crumb/soya balls or one bag of fishmeal, glm etc balls. Both will catch but which one will the fish keep feeding on year in year out. Can name a bait that is still made that has been catching carp for nearly thirty years. Sadly for the bait maker their customer base in the main are a fickle lot, don't catch must be the the bait so change, catch but my mate catches more so his bait must be better. My bait is superb quality but I don't catch much on it because I'm the idiot that keeps putting it in the wrong place.