In reply to Post #984 You haven't got any spare minutes. You used them all up rolling boilies
In reply to Post #983 I’ll measure one when I get a minute 😂
In reply to Post #982 Personally i think the 15mm comes out slightly larger than some 15mm i have used in the past.
Thinking of ordering some Tricknut, Boilies, Wafters, Pop Ups.
Just not sure on the mm size, wether to get 15s or 20s.
Usually I use 16 and 18 mm.
Compared to most Boilies out there right now, would you say these are on the small or large size?
If it helps I'm using Sticky Krill and Manilla in 16mm.
I got the sample pack and they were 12 millers lol.
In reply to Post #977 New boilie 😁😁 and I'm all out.. good timing
In reply to Post #977 ooh new boilie. I will definately try some of that.
In reply to Post #977 If its the new boilie and available in shelflife put me down for 10kg infact if it's freezer only I will still have 10kg and claim my bait freezer back
In reply to Post #975 Can't wait to try the new squid bait on my syndicate they love the Herb and Tricknut as you know Gav. 👍🏽🎣
In reply to Post #976 The new boilie yes
New hookbaits no 😉
In reply to Post #975 Oooh intriguing. Is it squid related?
In reply to Post #974 Evening all, great news muz, you were lucky this week as we have started running a tad behind. The boilie sales have been crazy and I’m back to working long shifts with the lads to keep up.
Hookbaits we are on the ball with and these just keep piling out of the door like they always do!
Good luck with them and keep an eye out for some new stuff from us in the next few weeks
Just thought I’d post a thumbs up for handcraft,I placed an order with them yesterday midday, arrived 9am this morning.
Very helpfull e mails replied to straight away.
Hopefully one or two of the big ones will like it.
In reply to Post #971 My top up order will be in either tonight or tomorrow. More Eton Mess and some squids, pink is doing the business for me
What are the delivery times on orders please ?
In reply to Post #970 They certainly won’t fail you in the buoyancy department!!
God knows how many went out of the door today and tomorrow looks another busy one!
The squids are really producing well for many of the Colne valley boys and the sting is certainly very consistent at the moment!
Also quite a few captures on the pink Eton mess which seems to be having a revival