In reply to Post #43 yessir - 100% neat stuff from Amazon
molasses is unsulphured from animal feed suppliers
In reply to Post #42 You using powdered vitamin C?
In reply to Post #39 depends on your definition of ferment
might not be any sugars but there is a chemical reaction caused by yeasts & bacteria.
yoghurt, kefir & shrimp paste are all examples of something fermenting without sugars being created.
I have used hemp that smells so bad, people were gagging when they went near it - the fish loved it - a small amount in my particles will have them turning over the area & hanging around for hours afterwards. some of the best reaction I have ever seen to a bait. the worse it gets, the more they like it.
to fermet mine I rinse it, add a jar of crushed garlic (it's cheap) & leave it in a bucket for a week. I boil it up for 20 mins, transfer to giant cool box & seal it up & leave it overnight to continue stewing. the following day it is still hot but no longer boiling, I'll add any water in case it's sucked any more up then I add a couple of spoons full of vitamin c & a load of molasses. stir it all up. vitamin c & molasses work as bacteria food imo. after a few days when it's cooled, I'll transfer it to a bucket & leave it until I need to use it - I've left it for weeks before & it gets better with age IMO. definitely different types of bacteria at work - depends on what one takes hold but you can tell the difference by the smell - sometimes it will be poo, sometimes puke, sometimes sulphurous - each one quite distinct but created by different bugs. it's mainly because I am not as careful with my cleaning of buckets & pans.
this year I will be adding some prepared EM1 after it has cooled to try & control the bacteria.
In reply to Post #38 I no Mark Specialized hookbaits swears by his rotten hemp and Garlic.. I've always been of the opinion fresh is best. Add what you like chilli ,Garlic. I've never felt it makes much difference. Hemp will not ferment. No sugar content. It will just go off.
So whats the best way of cooking Hemp and getting it onto the next level from just boiling it? Garlic ? Letting it go off/ fermenting ?
preparing particles is much the same as rolling boilies - easy to do ok / good but always possible to do better & is seems the people preparing them fall into these categories too.
I have been doing them for a very long time & am always learning so I would definitely say that experience comes into play for really good particles - especially when it comes down to controlling certain aspects of the prep if you are looking at getting the best from them. My maize takes 3 weeks minimum to get to where I want it - hemp probably the same.
There have been a couple of occasions over the last few years where I have seen reactions that have left me astounded as to what is possible with a really well prepared particle compared to a "soak & boil" - especially around keeping fish in the area with minimal amounts of bait.
In reply to Post #24 I agree Ian - there's nothing available off the shelf that's as good as can be done at home. Big Dogs are good but still not as good as doing it yourself imo.
As for years of experience required to do it right.... nah... a quick Google will give you a reliable fool-proof guide nowadays.
In reply to Post #33 Tigers really aren't difficult to get right either
Carp Particles UK seem to be pretty good. Used a few times now without issue (except a rather slow website).
In reply to Post #27 On a level i agree with you for your basics i,e Hemp, corn various particles.
Ive started using Dan Kilgour (Big Dog) particles of late and done well on them, could i do tigers as good as him, possibly but i very much doubt it. His tigers are next level.
In reply to Post #31 Yeah ok...
In reply to Post #30 They are not all the same!
i know a lot about it actually as i speak to a lot of anglers about it.
In reply to Post #28 So you personally know how "most carp anglers" prepare particles? No of course not. and as said, these companies don't do what you are saying anyway. ,soak,boil,sell. That's all they do. Just what anyone can themselves dead easily
In reply to Post #28 Yeah but no prepared particle suppliers are doing that mate. They’re just soaking and boiling on mass
In reply to Post #27 basic prep yes. correctly fermented particle ,tigers etcis a completly different ball game.
most carp anglers do not know how to it well.