In reply to Post #116 Poor is not the first word I would use lol
In reply to Post #114 Never found angling direct to be that cheap on anything I need and often they don't have what I want in their shops. Thier sea fishing and fly fishing department's are poor as well.
I have it in my head that Geoff at ABS is taking over the outlaw pro shop at Cottington
Unfortunately the powerhouse of A.D etc will eventually shut down most angling shops as they struggle to compete with their prices etc. just look back 10 years and think how many decent local tackle shops their was to now.
In reply to Post #112 Yep, I like it in there. There's loads of Perch in the tank at the moment.
In reply to Post #111 Definitely good news for those of us who live in the area. Always a good thing to have a bit of choice.
In reply to Post #109 I think it's great news, some staff retained too, very happy for them
In reply to Post #109 Your in look, the EBay email that I had was from TFT who will be taking over that store
Edit, just seen, as below
In reply to Post #108 I travelled over a hundred miles to the outlaw pro shop in billericay,absolutely loved the place, would not matter one bit to me who my money goes to. Tough for the smaller shops who I don't think stand any chance these days due to the interweb.
TFT 15% Off site wide, Code WELCOME15
Exc prob apply
Just had a 15% off offer on EBay
TFT have just announced their new shop, Outlaw Pro Billericay Essex site
In reply to Post #104 Clothing and retail is an absolute no-no, you only have to watch dragons den to realise the permutations for styles and sizes (especially fishermen) to realise its a total waste of time. An order for a shop for the range of Korda clothing would be thousands and a huge percentage left unsold- so I get why they set up that.
As for tackle I think it will be more of a watershed moment, big shops bully supplier for best price and discount so you sell direct you may be able to sell cheaper but promotion becomes your issue.
The loss of local tackle shops is for me as sad as the ever decreasing local, so much more than the name above the door. Still with AI and the algorithm- choice is not something the new generation I’ll need you’ll get served what the results say… sad
In reply to Post #102 Fair point Paul.. but I think a lot of that was partly there attraction. The un willingness to move with the times. The last of the great hold outs.. no doubt for a lot of them it was there undoing.
As for selling Direct. Korda have started to sell there clothing line online. There reason being that the shops haven't got the space to display their clothing. Which is no doubt growing all the time. But in someway maybe there seeing the writing on the wall for tackle retail.And starting to bring there business model online.
I placed a order 16th Jan online for a Nash Monster retention sling and Nash Weigh tripod they both got delivered yesterday after hearing not alot!
So anyone that is worried about online orders they are still shipping out orders
On another subject I really hate the Angling Direct structure which reminds of Sports Direct swallowing up the independent tackle shops don't get me wrong they have to agree to sell up but was gutted when Shrewsbury's Total Angling sold out last year bespoke gear goes out the window which is gutting I wont support there ethics