| Karlos | Posts: 13293 | | [ MODERATOR ] | |
| Karlos | Posts: 13293 | | [ MODERATOR ] | |
In reply to Post #116 Check out the example section on this page.
LINKY POO™ https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.asp
I used that, but removed the 3rd line with the OGG video example.
Then all you need to do is edit the source tag (SRC) to point at your video
In reply to Post #115 That's why you build websites.... Whilst I make fairy cakes for fish
Nice one Karl.
In reply to Post #115 Works on my laptop using both Chrome and Edge
How do you do a video tag?
| Karlos | Posts: 13293 | | [ MODERATOR ] | |
In reply to Post #114 The HTML tags you use to insert an image won't work for displaying a video.
I have used the VIDEO tag to get your video embedded here...
Might not work on all browsers
Early May 2017. This video was three weeks after I had those five carp from Burghfield in April. This is the Nursery pit at Sonning. At the time it had always been a strictly no fishing pit, so I was hiding in the bushes. It now has a small syndicate on there. This video was taken at just before 5am. I had been baiting a gravel bar, I’d filled it up with so much tiger slime over the previous two weeks. Then it had a hit of bait. This was me going out there, the very first time after the fish had ripped it to bits. The Nursery is an incredibly weedy pit. Savage weed, the type of stuff where you often had to retrieve the leads and rigs via boat. This bar was five and a half foot deep. The week before, you could barely see the bottom, only in just a couple of places. It was totally covered in weed. Now there was not one strand of weed left on the entire gravel bar. If you notice, you will see a bubble come up from the bottom as I drift along. They were there just seconds before. A few days after this video was taken, I saw a carp that was unquestionably a British record on this same spot from the boat. A fish that had only been banked once before. I did not have my phone in my pocket, much to my disgust. As the video ends, you can see the back of the gravel works where the gravel used to get washed in the far corner. The long bank coming right from that corner is the small causeway constructed by the aggregate company to separate the Nursery from Sonning Eye many years ago.
Not sure the sound works on the video on here, and you can only view it on a phone for some reason.
Marlow On Thames 2017. Self takes of two smaller ones, both incredibly special to me though.
Great examples of spawned in the Thames originals.
Walthamstow, January 2012. Lake is frozen solid beyond the fishes head. I had to wait hours that morning for it to thaw enough to get the rods out into open water to the right. I had put out a five kilo bag of pre soaked T&M the evening before. I had five carp this day in three hours, including a brace of mid 30's. S2 on long running naked chods. I was the only person on the entire complex. It was absolutely bitter. Classic old Stow mirror, with a big underslung mouth.
In reply to Post #107 Received today Mark with thanks.
FishOn Ricci, ScopexPineapple S2 13mm balanced
Forum member Bob, a special old one, ScopexPineapple S2 13mm pop up, well done Bob.
Roach Pit 2014. The last fish I caught from the plateau. Third time I caught the biggest fish in the lake within fourteen months, from three different swims. It was totally obsessed with my hook baits. Before I landed it for the first time two months after becoming a member, it had already been banked twice by other anglers on my hook baits. It was my personal best for a long time, so I had to have a water shot with it. 54lb something it weighed here (top photo). This was the last time it was ever caught I think. The fish kill occurred the following winter/spring. It’s such a crying shame. She was one of the biggest carp in the UK at the time, she would have got far bigger still. I went up the other end of the lake, caught a few more, one of which was another repeat. I really wanted to catch a fish called ‘Shauns’, but I was starting to get far too many repeats. I caught another carp four times. Other carp twice. It was already time to move on. Being a dream breaker for everyone else by catching the biggest fish in the pond over and over again is just not the one.
The first day that I landed this carp, was very nearly my last on this earth. I left the lake late that night in a rush. I’d just caught my first UK 50+ and was buzzing, but I had work early the next morning. As I drove through the new Forest at great speed at 1am, a herd of deer ran out in front of the carp wagon. I was travelling far too fast, I swerved and missed the first few but hit the stag. He very nearly came through the windscreen. The car went into a massive spin. I was left facing the wrong way up an unlit dual carriage way. The collision had taken out all the lights on the front of the car. A large lorry was coming down the dual carriageway straight towards us at speed. The doors would not open from the impact. It was a couple of seconds, but it seemed like an entire lifetime. I pulled my dog close to me and closed my eyes, convinced we were both about to die. I felt the car shaking violently as the lorry had seen us at the last moment and managed to swerve around us. I got the car started after numerous attempts, got us off the dual carriageway at the next exit just as you come out of the New Forest. A tow truck took us home to London hours later. I had to have the car jet washed before this photo was taken. It was literally a scene from a horror movie with blood absolutely everywhere. It looked like the car might have hit a person, so it had to be cleaned before the insurance company picked it up as written off. There were bits of the stag hanging out of the front grill. It was a very lucky escape that night in the New Forest.
In reply to Post #106 We have a new hook bait I would like to get added to the S2 specials page this winter. The cheese bottom baits will be added at the same time as those get added.
In reply to Post #105 All sorted Dave. Going today will be there before Xmas. Happy Christmas.
In reply to Post #105 Any update on the cheese bottom baits Mark?
In reply to Post #101 PM sent Mark, thanks very much.