In reply to Post #9 I've got the Thinking Anglers Olive All-in-one Retainer Sling
It sounds pretty much what you're after. I rate it, it's well made and easy to use.
In reply to Post #1 Korum compact recovery sling is good. Has floats still so some structure but no arms so folds up relatively small.
As above/below
I have three of the wychwood sack/slings which are buried inside different mats and bags depending on where i'm fishing. The zips are good quality, although the strings are a nightmare to manage. Had many a night with strings strewn across the bank because they've unravelled.
In reply to Post #1 JRC Defender Weigh Sling
In reply to Post #1 I have an old Hutchy sling sack that sounds just like what you are looking for that I packs down in my pack when I'm fly fishing.
I'm not sure if any UK tackle manufacturers still do them but it looks like Mikado (Euro brand) still do one.
Do a search for Mikado Sling Carp Territory Sack retainer sling on Waveinn.com
Another one to look at might be the thinking anglers all in one retainer although this does have a bar it is removable
In reply to Post #1 Its called a sack . . . . we used to use them perfectly safely 'back in t day' . . . a few idiots ruined it but sensible waters still allow their use by anglers that care - there's even a guide on here by the guru that is KT!
Korum do a 'recovery sling' that might tick your boxes - Korum Sling
As per the title, I'm after a weigh sling without arms that I can fold up and stuff into a small pocket, preferably with a full zip and carrying handles, gotta be able to deal with chunks (I live in hope) thank you 👍
I have done a search just seeing if there's anything new or been overlooked on the market