In reply to Post #29 Wowsers... Mine is going to be a while yet then.
In reply to Post #27 I called them. 👍. Deliveries now happening for power porters. July has 24 pre orders, Aug has 70. Early Orders going out in order of pre order placed.
In reply to Post #27 Mint xtreme in classifieds . if anyone interested reply in classifieds not here so not to disrupt this thread
In reply to Post #26 Thank you Andy for the update. Curious, where did you hear that from?
According to CP power porter pre order deliveries starting this week....
In reply to Post #24 Has anyone heard anything?
Rumours or otherwise.
In reply to Post #23
In reply to Post #22 Any bets on what the next delay will be?
Perhaps they'll run out of air for the tyres
They should throw some freebies in,their customer support was always superb when I needed them
In reply to Post #19 I'll embed the video in here.
Well done to Korda / Carp Porter for getting that communication out...
It's almost as though they've read this thread, they seem to have answered ALL the questions posed below
In reply to Post #19 Cheers Andy
Here's the video message for pre order customers
In reply to Post #17 I see from their Facebook page that there's a new "update email" going out tonight to waiting customers.
I'd be grateful if anyone gets a copy, if they could post its contents here... As it seems not all customers are on this magic email list (including me!)
Many thanks!
In reply to Post #16 i 100% agree on the power porters, thinking of getting a nash one ,ive been running on lifepo4 batteries for about 4 years now,and ive had deans rear wheels for over a year. i heard a rumor that korda/carp porter are bringing out a hub motor, nut obvously very hush hush.
In reply to Post #1 Never had a Power Porter (still own a 'manual' Porter Lite) but if they're still running a separate wheel motor (big bulky item strapped to side of front wheel) rather than a hub motor I'd steer clear anyway as its 'old tech' . . .
I've had a play with the Power Fox (in a tackle shop) and tbf I wouldn't bother - the fittings are poor (flimsy thumbscrews that can be easily lost) and the barrow itself is oversized and heavy. The only saving grace is you can charge barrow without having to remove batteries etc . . . .Solar looks waay better IMO however not sure swivelling rear wheels without brakes are a good idea.
I've had a Gash power Metro for over 3yrs that I've pimped and its faultless - if you want bigger just buy an Evo second hand, swop out the batteries to Lithium, buy a swivelling rear wheel kit from Barrow buddies and you'll have all the barrow you'll ever need . . . . . .IMO
In reply to Post #14 I lasted two trips with the big boy extreme unless the lake you're on is flat even ground I would avoid
In reply to Post #13 I see on FB today that even though Carp Porter reported that they had taken delivery of the electrical items that they were waiting on and that final assembly and deliveries would start soon, that there will be further delays.
How CP can say they have everything and now their waiting on parts is.. well... you can read between the lines that they didn't really have everything...
So... Has anyone got the Fox transporter 24v? Is it a viable alternative to the CP big boy extreme?
In reply to Post #12 I followed up with a 3rd email to enquire about the situation... I mean, they've got £1000 of my money and I've got absolutely nothing to show for it.
Sadly, I have to tell you thats now all 3 emails that they (Korda) have ignored.
They've got until the end of the month, after that I'll ask my bank to initiate a chargeback.
In reply to Post #9 carporter barrows are shipped in from china . Alan the original owner had that on his website made in the UK all the time he owned carp porter and when you went to his unit in Basildon their were just boxes and boxes of carporter all been freshly delivered on a big metal shipping Container from china .The only thing they said to me is they get some of the smaller electrical items from uk supplies for the power barrows that’s why theirs a longer wait for them
In reply to Post #9 the only part of the power porter made in the uk is the parvalux motor,the rest of the stuff is from China. i know this because i spoke to the technical sales engineer Mathew 4 years ago ,asking can i use lifepo batteries on my power porter, which he said YES unlike the halfwits at power porter/ korda .they don't even reply to a basic question in messenger. becoming a bit of a clown act if you ask me gents.
In reply to Post #9 I’m surprised at that if it’s true. If they are then they are bucking the trend, especially with electrical components.
Fair play if they are, but if that’s what is causing the delay then it’s a bit counter productive at this moment in time.
I suppose longer term it is to be applauded, but for those who are waiting they may not see it that way which is understandable.
In reply to Post #8 mmm. I'm sure I read it that they are designed and manufactured in the UK, UK sourced parts.
Found this stated by CP on FB.
Carp Porter
"The reason for the delay is that we’ve redesigned and resourced the electrics in the uk".
I suppose this could be a play on words though.
You would assume that someone at Korda would look at the situation and get to grips with it, get CP to manage expectations properly and stop the negativity that the delays are causing. Having people wait 8 months+ so far for a fully paid up order is just unacceptable. It's like CP are a new startup with no experience of manufacturing a product, no production line to speak off and inexperienced customer support team.
They are all waiting for the same container of parts from China to arrive so they can assemble the ‘made in Britain’ barrows.
All the barrow firms clearly having the same issues. Nothing to really distinguish between them these days.
I have one on order since July, I rang them Friday and they told me another 3-5 weeks before they start dispatching the first of the pre orders. It is getting boring now as they said they was just awaiting electrics and then be dispatched. We was told they received these 2 weeks ago now yet not a single pre orders as far as I’m aware has been received.
To be fair… the missus bought me a carp porter and when it arrived the under barrow bag square metal thingy had a crack in the weld…i emailed them, didn’t get any response but a few days later a new part was delivered .
In reply to Post #3 Only designed in the uk
In reply to Post #2 I thought these were made in tge UK, have they shipped production to China?
In reply to Post #1 Been keeping an eye on this via their social media, seems lots of unhappy customers who've handed over their hard earned for sweet FA in return!
I've got an order in myself, although it's not quite (yet) the vintage of yours and others.
Shocking really...it's now a Korda owned company, yet the lack of customer service or seemingly anyone who gives two sugars is an eye opener, and definitely leaves a salty taste for buying anything in the future.
They've got £1000 on average of each fisherman's money, with nothing but broken promises to show for it. Simply not good enough.
Danny etc should be rattling some cages internally by now to get this resolved.
Like many others I've been waiting 7+ months now for a Power Porter pre-order after getting my money back from BCUK.
I thought that pre ordering from Carp Porter was the safest option but it's now turning into a nightmare with a stream of excuses without a single hint of an apology from Carp Porter about their delays. It's not like Carp Porter is just setting themselves up for production of barrows, they've only been going a few decades but they act like a new company with no experience....
How do the Fox Transporter, Solar SP C-tech and Nash evo barrows compare to a CP power big boy?