In reply to Post #11 Had a reply, they basically want £1.30 a kg and a 300kg min order, plus there's shipping on top so that Titmuss price below looks really good
In reply to Post #10 Nice one, thanks
I emailed the guys probably in Spain at tigernut.com to see what they come out with.
In reply to Post #9 Titmuss
12.5 kilo £26
Probably get a sack cheaper if asked
In reply to Post #5 that's a decent price!
I used to get them from Decathlon as I found they were reliable & always good quality.
wrt to using larger amounts - be careful with the sugar content when fishing loads as carp can suffer from hyperglycaemia which leaves them in a comatose state. this can explain why some waters shut down for a few weeks after they've been hammered on tigers.
In reply to Post #5 AABaits.
In reply to Post #1 They will be fine, excellent bait, crush some up if you can.
In reply to Post #1 Personally, I'd be happy using them as a hook bait but I wouldn't use nuts as freebies until the water warms up. Carp have issues digesting them in the heat of summer with warm water let alone in cold.
Can anyone recommend a place to get them?
Say 20kg not the small bag in the tackle shop.
Found 10kg for £27 quid here which doesn't sound too bad
LINKY POO™ Click Me, go on you know you want to
In reply to Post #3 completely agree.
will fish single bright baits or sweetcorn until the water warms up but as soon as it gets above 15 degrees is when they come into their own.
In reply to Post #1 Great bait in my option but using in spring is my least favourite time for them, I go singles / stringers on wake up and quantity of reasonable bait pre spawning. Tigers in summer, autumn and winter I love and absolutely will work in spring, but I think the way they go through them they are neither feast nor famine, just MacDonalds chips.
In reply to Post #1 One of the very best carp baits around, so of course
Hi, would tiger nuts be a good choice for spring fishing on a low stocked pit. These would be fished in the margins over a mix of hemp, tigers and peanuts.