In reply to Post #46 Yes I would agree in that situation they would be better as the large spool and heavy flour is going to come off in large coils. Personally though I still wouldn't use it at range when it's going to sink onto the lake bed and get covered in silt and weed or whatever is down there.
In reply to Post #45 This man gets it. I wasn’t talking about casting fluoro as far as I could cast mono/braid. I’m talking about casting it as far as it can. In which I case I believe 50mm butt rings and wide spools have a bigger impact.
My spod rod that uses thin supple casting braid has a 40mm butt on, my fishing rods have 50mm on them if I’m fishing a water with a braid ban and use fluoro I wanna get it as far as I can. Anything further than that I’d reluctantly use mono
So does anyone else think 50mm butt rings do make an impact on distance when using a thicker fluoro?
In reply to Post #44 Surely if you choose to use fluorocarbon for whatever reason, you would want to be able to cast it as far as possible. Hence large spool, heavy lead, and therefore high test curve rod
In reply to Post #42 Because distance casting most are using as thin a line as possible to increase distance plus the fact that flouro is heavier than mono again making it a poor choice.
In reply to Post #42 Only guessing but maybe wondering why using a thick flouro for casting at range when flouro is far from the best casting wise.
I think i get your original point again guessing that a lot of people have the view that thick flouros and heavy mono's behave better with 50's particularly when using wide spool reels?
In reply to Post #40 I suppose the better question would be why would you not?
In reply to Post #40 Well I for one have tried Flouro on ss2600 and my god it’s shocking, you need as bigger spool as possible (imo) to get Flouro to behave. I have recently gone back to Flouro and it behaves reasonably well on a 5000t but wouldn’t do anywhere near any spool smaller.
In reply to Post #39 Why would you use a thick diameter fluorocarbon on a large diameter spool if you were fishing at distance.
All this talk about 50mm not adding distance. Don’t anyone believe that would still be the case if you was using a thick fluorocarbon mainline on a wide spooled big pit like an xt10000? I think it does. Have not “scientifically”tested this but sure that it would effect distance in this instance. Maybe not if using a lighter mono/braid with a reel with a narrower spool like that is on the Daiwa tournies
In reply to Post #31 Century may be able to supply, I've got a few beach casters with them rung 40mm to 10mm. Failing that I've heard good thing about the atlas deep draw guides.
In reply to Post #33 Most beach casters are rung hibrid nowadays for either fixed spool or multiplier.
In reply to Post #33 Correct along with lure rods . When i first started targeting carp i and a few others were using multipliers on the big cheshire meres.
In reply to Post #32 It would have little to no affect on stiffer rods, 4 or 5lb ballista blanks were regularly fitted with 30 & 40mm ringing 'back in the day' as were others like my Greys FX4.
50mm ringing is a modern trend, it's simply that with little proven evidence of actually making any difference. What little difference it might make is only really discernable in the hands of casters making records where a meter or 2 might make a difference, the vast majority of anglers even with lessons are not capable of that. It does however allow the tackle companies to play to your insecurities that you might not be able to reach the fish but your neighbours with 50's fitted will.
Another reason quoted was larger spools means the line comes off in larger loops which need to straighten out before hitting the 1st ring, sounds feasible but again little proof.
Quite interested in what Jeffire has posted, off for a nosey.
In reply to Post #32 Have a look at fuji,s post Theory New Guide Concept it will put you in the picture and dispell the myth regarding larger guides = distance .
In reply to Post #32 Beachcasters are rung according to whether a fixed spool or multiplier are going to be used.
In reply to Post #28 What sort of effect would this style of ringing have on a stiffer blank, say Free Spirit Hi S Ive ER? i was thinking to get mine rebuilt with a 40 to 12mm set as I'm also not keen on the massive 50mm rings.
My basic understanding is that the line should pass through the larger rings with less friction, if this is the case why don't beach/surf casters use 50s? they seem to mostly be 30s on the butt section. We even use similar reels like the Baisas, tournaments, ultegras etc so spool size and line loops don't really come into it.
Apologies if this is covering basics!
In reply to Post #29 I cant get those guides below 16ml and a 40ml set would add £206 to a rod !!!!
In reply to Post #29 My own have 11 guides inc tip , kevs standard build did,nt but he liked to put more on .
In reply to Post #28 Thought my baby snipers had eleven guides in total but may be wrong, if I buy again would want same two on butt and have become a fan of American tackle titanium guides that century fit on Thier beach casters..
In reply to Post #26 I recommend fuji or kigans and obviously the price is dictated by the build wanted. My own have 30ml butt guide with a 25 also on butt section and eight guides on tip section. Fuji dnps seats as originals .Kevs standard build was less guides.. cork handles make the rod slightly heavier.
Seeing that many venues ban Leaders and Braid (non marker), this thread gave me a good ol chuckle.
In reply to Post #16 Didn't realise you were doing the snipers, hence why I said the 2.25tc torrix. Be interested to know the price of a pair with full cork and DPS seat, what guides are you fitting ?
In reply to Post #24 Yes mate i will be back on my old swims on the ribble if all goes well. 👍
In reply to Post #18 Just a few miles from me, there what a lovely place. Plenty of river fishing around there too 👍
In reply to Post #14 Double post sorry
In reply to Post #14 They are indeed, I didn’t realise he’d specified 12’
In reply to Post #20 Good God, on a 2.25lb blank, I'd never of thought it possible, very impressed
In reply to Post #19 Lovely action and im hitting 145 yds with a 30ml ringset 2.5 oz lead is that not far enough ? If not then the big snipers with 30 ml ringset will get you 170 /180yds and turn the blank into a usable one. Both blanks with 30ml butt and more guides will also give you excellent accuracy and stop a train .
In reply to Post #16 'Hes asked for 'a nice actioned distance rod'
In reply to Post #17 No mate we are currently renting in Carlisle but moving to the ribble valley (clitheroe)
In reply to Post #16 When you move are you staying in Scotland?
In reply to Post #1 You want the harrison 2.25 baby sniper blanks which harrison now do exclusively for me . Quite a few lads on here have got them and will tell you how good they are . Unfortunately i cant build any at the moment due to house move ! 😁
In reply to Post #14 Edit, 1 min
I'm posting on the hop, for some reason I've got 12' stuck in my mind for Oatcake, aren't the 3.25 12'9?
In reply to Post #13 The 3.25 are available as 40mm too, lovely rods
In reply to Post #12 Not really a distance rod though but a lovely blank
The ESP Terry Hearn 3lbers are 40mm rung. I'm totally unfamiliar with them but thought it worth a mention jic
In reply to Post #11 Treat yourself to a pair of 2.25tc torrix blanks and buy a couple of 25 mm guide sets.
In reply to Post #9 Good guess
In reply to Post #2 I use Xs ive's with 40mm butts & they are a nice powerful rod. I would keep an eye on ebay for a 2nd hand set.
In reply to Post #7 Kev Baines ?
In reply to Post #7 Fair play Fred, u didn't believe the BS and got what suited you 👏
The rest believe the BS
In reply to Post #6 That's why I don't want a 50mm butt ring. And as I said originally, they look ridiculous. If I'm paying a few hundred quid for a set of rods, I want them to look good.
For a long time, up until about 3 years ago, I used 2lb test custom built curve rods with a 25mm butt ring for the majority of my carp fishing. The rod builder used to be very conscientious about the weight of the guides you applied to a rod.
In reply to Post #1 But ring sizes etc are irrelevant if you don't know how to cast. 50 or 40 make sod all difference, neither does rod and reel without the right technique.
In reply to Post #1 ESP Vertex Distance - full range of 2.75 through to 3.75 TC. No longer built but if you look around you can get them for a song. 12’9” length. I rate them highly, I must do asI’ E got 7 of them. Lovely looking rod too 👍
In reply to Post #3 I would give Calvin Hancock a call and see if he has anything ready to go.
In reply to Post #2 Hadn't really thought about budget Dom, but about £700 for 3.
In reply to Post #1 Johnson Ross have Free Spirit XS Ive 12ft 40mm £295 each. What is your budget?
Is there such a thing as a nice actioned distance rod with a 40mm butt ring. I refuse to buy a rod with a 50mm hula hoop as a butt ring, they look ridiculous!!
Need to be available now as I can't wait for custom builts. So that's either an off the shelf rod, or something on the second hand market close to North Staffs/South Cheshire.