I suppose they have added volume to the actual alarm,because if the receiver dies or you forget to take it with you then the alarms are not much use. Well they definitely wouldn’t be any use for night fishing
They have compromised their big selling point by adding a volume dial though. The fact that they used to be 99% waterproof
I have my alarms on silent at night anyway,and have the receiver set to vibrate
But I suppose you can still use the new version at night even if the receiver dies on you
I have Delkim alarms also but I do love my ATTs
I’ve not used my Delks for a while and I think I’ve forgotten all the button presses already
At least with the ATTs there is nothing to forget
I deffo will be buying the new ones though lol
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what alarms you have you can’t beat the sound of one of them bleeping into action
I say doesn’t matter what alarms you have,but you don’t want alarm that die on you as soon as it rains heavily
And I’m not talking about my Delks now either 😂
In reply to Post #40 They are on the boat now he reckons, he did admit they are not as waterproof as the original ATTS alarms due to the speaker and switch as expected I guess. £89.99 per head and you can use them with the existing receivers.
In reply to Post #39 I’ve asked Matt Eaton who is an angler for Gardner. He was also talking to people about the alarms at the carp show
He said all he knows is sometime this Spring
saw a demo on one of the youtube channels from someone walking around the carpshow (SiFishes?)
I think the gardner rep said that they would be in shops in the autumn.
In reply to Post #38 any release date??
I saw the alarm at the Essex Carp Show
They look quality. But isn’t the main attraction of these alarms the fact that they are super waterproof. Now they have added a volume switch not so waterproof
I’ve got the att’s but I will deffo be getting the new ones 😊
They will be £90 each
I’ve also got Delks
I think I’m a bit of a tackle tart
I remember a carp angler saying to me, once you start buying gear it gets addictive 😊
In reply to Post #36 It does make sense. Like a dial.
In reply to Post #34 Extended sides/ snag ears what ever you like to call them.
You can switch from sound on the receiver. To sound on the alarm. By turning the alarm speaker cover round a notch. Speaker cover is basically a switch. Hope that makes sense.
In reply to Post #34 Snag ears,
In reply to Post #33 are you saying the speaker has a cover to reduce the volume?
extendable sides?
In reply to Post #32 Yes, had a quick look. Not much more to them than the originals. Apart from the obvious speaker. Which you can switch the sound from the head to the sounder box by turning the speaker cover round a notch. Compatible with both receivers. And not forgetting extended sides
In reply to Post #31 Anyone seen theese in the flesh at the show?
In reply to Post #28 Quality alarms I made my own sounder box for them . Was powered from their output jacks worked remarkably well.
Albeit if the weather conditions were in the slightest damp you had to revert to bottle tops.
In reply to Post #28 1st alarms I had. That and Shakespeare 1.25lb test curve rods, over Walthamstow. Caught aswell pub chucking to no man's land lol
In reply to Post #28 Shame they forgot the anti-damp
In reply to Post #19 It's funny to think that the first alarm to have some sort of "anti rock" built into it was the much maligned Daiwa Sensitron back in the nineties.
In reply to Post #26 I did not know that. I’ve been bad mouthing the ATTS as useless in any kind of big weather for years but maybe the newer ones were actually ok
In reply to Post #25 I've just looked and it's on the underlit ones not sure about the original ones
Did they have the anti rock from the start or was it added to later models? Mine must have been from around 2010 and if they did have that feature it didn’t work
Yep they already have anti rock.
So they’ve updated the casing to make it more modern and functional and added a speaker..
So no longer waterproof.
Do they come with a Gardner black bag for each head when it rains ?
In reply to Post #22 I thought the older version already had the anti rock feature
In reply to Post #20 The problem with alarms with magnets in the roller is that if the magnet is in a position that it is hovering around the sensor and you have waves or weed on your line it can rock back and forth over the sensor as the line bobs. This gives you big issues with false bleeps. You used to have to manually move the magnet away from the sensor, but any undertow or build up of weed and it could move back again.
If the ‘anti rock’ helps with this then they are onto a winner. I’d hope they might put the same tech into the non speaker version, but seems unlikely.
In reply to Post #20 Easy listening for the hard of hearing.
In reply to Post #19 Ok
I will bite
What it anti rock ??
In reply to Post #15 They have anti rock apparently... This is what dal sent me a couple years ago
"They are pretty bomb proof too, better radio gear than Nev, but offset is the heads are silent (currently, mums the word but I've just designed a new one with audio on )
mega waterproof and the anti rock is a bit better than the Nev one as that is time based, the ATT is actuation based hence the mags both side of the wheel "
In reply to Post #16 It just comes with the snag backs as standard now. You could get those before. Only thing different is the speaker.
In reply to Post #13 Yes mate, TLB is/has been discontinued according to a GT reply on faceache
Looks like they've lengthed the sides as well. Making it a bit harder for the old rod to slip of on a violent take. Looks a bit like A Nev and ATTs love child..
In reply to Post #12 I would have to agree, and arguably the main selling point.
No speaker, no controls means easier to waterproof and lower cost. Don't really see the point in just adding a speaker when you already have the TLB+.
What they really need is a bit of sensitivity adjustment or some speed sensing in the circuit. I know you can swap the wheels but who wants to do that out in the rain when the weather changes.
If they have added that as well as the speaker then a worthwhile update and I'd probably get another set (although never use the speaker!)
In reply to Post #12 I think that's why so reliable,less places for water ingress
does that mean they're doing away with the TLB+?
In reply to Post #11 One of the best thing about ATT's = no speaker.
Why is having a speaker so important,I never have the volume on my alarms anyway
been a long term user of Att's and will definatly be getting some
In reply to Post #8 gotta say, it looks absolutely spot on
it's a atts steve neville love child
In reply to Post #5 https://fb.watch/xmTpmEsy01/
In reply to Post #4 Linky poo please.
ive just seen the short announcement video
sign me up
take my money
ive got a tackle wood
Any links? Might be just what I want. Was thinking about a set of TLB+'s.
In reply to Post #1 Looks like it's got a speaker. Exciting product. I think they promised a speaker version when the attx came out but it never materialised.
just seena video that gardner are showing their new alarms at the Essex carp show next weekend, it looks decent on the video I seen, not sure on features etc