In reply to Post #25 I had a look at the colt holdall( thanks for the link) and width wise at the reel it seems almost as wide as the r9 coffin so just ordered one though AD as they have an offer on them I always use a barrow so not a problem
Has anybody used the Korda Compac hold-all for retractable rods? With different handle lengths between the models I would assume they went for a fairly universal fit?
In reply to Post #23 If you want a rod holdall for your scopes look at cult tackle 3 rod bag that’s a lot more spacious
In reply to Post #22 I also picked up 3 9ft scopes for £210 in the n/y sales used them today and very pleased with them , more than I can say about the scope holdall which is stupidly tight and fiddly to get the rods back in on the bank, I know a lot of people think the r9 transporter is like a coffin case but think I may get one
In reply to Post #15 You’re right it’s not ridiculous for a rod, but personally think there are far better rods out there for the price, I’ve had 10ft insurgents and aircurves, both cheaper and a much nicer action to them. I think the price for scopes is largely justified by trend and fashion.
In reply to Post #20 Totally agree
In reply to Post #19 50% off is probably what they are worth in reality. The black ops ones are ridiculously over priced.
In reply to Post #18 I'm glad I managed to pick up 3 scope rods with 50% off in the sales after xmas
In reply to Post #17 Amorphous whiskers and infinity ld blanks were designed by a Japanese rod designer working for daiwa Nobuo Nodera.
In reply to Post #14 The rods you listed where made by daiwa Kevin nash name was used on them there is no doubt Nash has had some great ideas titan scopes ect that’s is not in question its about price vs quality it is overpriced I remember Nash starting his gear was good he bought out the Nash brolly overwrap and storm sides that fitted to a wavelock brolly everyone had one but he didn’t have much
Competition only rod Hutchinson
So there’s no question he was a big trailblazer
In reply to Post #15 I think the issue (perceived) is anything from Nash, Prologic, Greys, Trakker, JRC will eventually be sold for about a 1/3 of the price when a new range appears meaning a £200.00 is probably costing about £20 from the Chinese factory.
Freespirit- are maybe the only manufacturer that has managed to not produce blanks themselves but keep prices consistent. Century, Harrison etc provide the assurance that you are not going to see them in clearance bin in 12 months.
I think Nash occasionally stumble on some brilliant rods, and my original pursuits were lovely. Scopes I have used but like most one of my originals tip broke 2 inches from the top and I would never buy at full price again.
Is £140 - £180 really that ridiculous for a rod these days? I would say that just sits them in the mid range? Even Trakker, a tent company, has a set of £250 rods out now.
I’ve had a couple of sets of scopes and they are decent rods for retractables, can’t say I ever felt ripped off by the price and they hold their value pretty well if you move them on.
I’ve also had the ESP Quick Draw. A nice enough blank but the rings wore using braid and the handles were short so took a bit of getting used to casting. For me that meant the scopes were worth an extra £50 or so.
Funny some people still get so bent out of shape by Kevin Nash.
nash don't make rods?
Amorphous, Infininity LD & Pursuits were all Kevin Nash designs weren't they? All the precursors for a lot of modern-day carp rods & regarded as some of the best rods ever.
I don't own Scopes but have a few friends that own them & they absolutely love em. Whilst I heard a few things about build quality of the earlier Scopes around ringing, I was under the impression they were the benchmark for any of the shorter action rods that everyone else puts out now?
I believe there are new models on the way, saw a comment somewhere on Instagram saying due out in the summer.
I have used Scopes, (10ft, 3lb) for a good few years on smaller waters and never had any issues at all, great rods IMO. Having said that, I am fishing a water at the moment ideally suited to Scopes but with some really thick weed issues and I lost a couple of weeded fish last year that I am confident I could have extracted with a beefier or 12ft rod.
I did toy with the idea of standard 2-piece 10ft rods but like the flexibility of the Scope pack-down size so looking at options for a 10ft 3.5 blank.......the Chiltern Cutsom Compacts appear to tick every box!
In reply to Post #7 Never had any problems with mine. Landed carp and cats up to 60lb. Cast well and fit nicely crossways in my car. Cant fault them apart from the cost is a little high.
In reply to Post #10 Thanks for telling us!
In reply to Post #9 I won’t be watching it
In reply to Post #7 I reckon theirs new scopes rods due out this year . I see a short video clips from Alan Blair on his instagram post with scope rods with the high stand of rod rings which made me think their the new scopes rods . I reckon your find out in the next few weeks Nash must be due to drop the 2025 trade show video as their at the carp show end of January
In reply to Post #3 10 years too late!
In reply to Post #2 I asked a question which you've not answered... I've had Scope Rods (probably 10 years ago now) so know all about them thanks.
I'm asking if new one's are coming out.
In reply to Post #5 Not wrong,
Those Ultimate Bionic retractable rods are a good example ..!
In reply to Post #2 Totally agree other companies charge the right price for retractable rods scopes prices are ridiculous
In reply to Post #2 How many companies in the UK do? Two?
In reply to Post #1 Don't buy scopes
In reply to Post #1 Gash don't make rod's, spend your money elsewhere.
Hi All,
I'm sure I read somewhere that Nash are set to release a new range of Scope rods at some point this year... does anyone know if that's true?