In reply to Post #17 It was connect to the where Browns sold the farm machines
In reply to Post #16 I'm guessing this was on the derelict factory site on that road. There was an angling shop on the first crossroads into town from there. Talk about memory lane.
In reply to Post #15 Not far from train station on the Thame Road
In reply to Post #14 Haddenham !
I lived there, decades ago, where was the shop situated ?
In reply to Post #12 The Branch in Haddenham was good when Mark was the manger, always well stocked and a bit of discount I used to drive over from Didcot. After he left it was not the same
Sad to see another one go but they obviously have their reasons.
AD may have got the monopoly on shop premises but their stock levels are shocking. Whenever I want to pop into the local branch, (Northampton is my closest) and look on the AD website to see if they have stock at the branch invariably it is "out of stock". Even if it is in stock I tend to use AD to view the item, then buy online as I would prefer to support someone else, (JR, Tackle Tavern, TFT, Fish-On etc), rather they have my hard earned than the AD monster!
If I have to buy online before I actually see the item then I will use a shop that has a good returns service.....with some it is almost as though you have offended them by having to send something back and you can have to chase a refund several times.
I would much prefer to support shops physically but the good ones with good stock levels are few and far between. My favourite by a distance is Carp Scene in Alfreton who I will always pop into if I am in that area. Great range of mainstream and specialist gear and really good stock levels. Friendly too!
In reply to Post #4 Sorry but it's an awful shop with broadly mediocre staff
It's a 15 minute walk from my house and I basically gave up using it during the summer. The amount of times I've been in there over the last couple of years and they've got barely any stock on half of their boards
It's a shame for the staff that it is going but I know of a lot of local anglers that gave up on the place a while ago
I don't like the AD model so won't use them but it's JR for me
In reply to Post #1 Barton water mill and shefford angling still about too
They had all the bits and brands that I couldn’t get elsewhere locally.
Not much difference in distance for me between them and JR.
In reply to Post #8 I see, it was a long time ago.
In reply to Post #7 They used to have a small shop nearer town, this is the big one on the outskirts with the farm machinery shop alongside
In reply to Post #4 This is the Leighton Buzzard shop, right ? I don't recall it being as big as you describe it, maybe I'm thinking of the wrong place, still a shame it's going.
It's a shame there having to close. But glad it's not due to lack of business. There is like for these independents after all. Used them in the past for a few bits online always provided quality service. Let's hope all the employees find work soon elsewhere.
In reply to Post #4 What a shame for thise who use the shop
In reply to Post #2 In this case it’s nothing to do with foot fall. The shop is busy. It’s unfortunately due to a bit of a weird set up where the business was divided up amongst the family and the ones that don’t have any active part want their money out. The only way to pay them is to sell off the big chunk of land that the business sits on and relocate the agricultural stuff to other existing locations or much smaller premises. As you know that’s a big tackle shop so it can’t really be squeezed in to a smaller shop somewhere else and rent on a unit that size would be horrendous. Such a shame. It’s a brilliant shop with brilliant staff.
I have no local shops to me anymore and havent had one for quite a while so have no option to buy online now. I used to spends hours on my local shop having a catch up with other anglers in the coffee area. You dont get that in angling direct. I try never to use ad and only use johnson ross and tfg if i can but saw a post a while back on how much ad actual turn over and its a huge amount of money so unfortunately they will be the only one left eventually. Browns has 30% off everything at the minute if anyone wants anything.
In reply to Post #1 No footfall due to everyone buying online, physical premises are a costly burden.
I bought my first carbon carp rods from there, a pair of Century Ultimate Carp in 2.5tc, they were great rods but I moved onto Chimera's in 3tc and sold the Centurys through Danglers Mail classifieds.
Hi all. As per title Bit of a bolt out of the blue this, but it looks like the shareholders have cashed in basically. Been a coule of small announcements on FB last few days. Leaves just the Pro lite shop in Luton or AD in MK as the major players in the area with Go Outdoors chasing their heels. The Agriculture side is being relocated to a couple of other smaller units out of the area. Having read Bobco are going does leave me wondering where this is all going to lead...sad sad state of affairs when independent dealers who on the whole provide top notch customer service go under etc leaving us with the impersonal samey samey monster AD is with the monopoly on angling shops.